52. Future Sight

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The door the Sanctum opened just a crack, and a certain king made his way in. His bandages were wrapped so tight around his arms, sealing off his magic, that he was only a few inches tall. The door closed behind him.

"Why have you come here?" The Great Ones asked.

"Because you allowed me to." The Listener responded, slowly untying the strands on his arms. When finished, he stood about ten feet tall.

"Why is it that you have not used your potions?"

"I am afraid that they have ran away."

"We believed that you had said you had two Children of Voids in your posession. You managed to lose both of them?"

"Yes, both of the same bloodline.They were Full Cancelers (ᓭ⚍ᒲᔑᓭ). We cannot hear them." The Listener folded his arms. "They attempted to escape before, but we managed to capture one of them again. We thought that they the other would at least hesitate, but he abandoned the other immediately. The one foresaken has now made his escape as well."

"Just what you expect out of bastards." The Great One hummed. "You know just as well as we do how quick the lower species are to turn on one another."

"In particular cases, yes, but not always." The king shot back.

"With those delusions of yours, it is no wonder why you have bastards."

The Listener let out an annoyed sigh. "In any case, my people are finding a suitable replacement as we speak. Naturally, this is of highest priority as it is nearly impossible to arrive here without being noticed without such a potion."

"It is a very dangerous manuver indeed." The Great One agreed, nodding. "What is of such great importance that you decided to risk being seen?" Her voice was gentle, having finally set aside the pointless bickering for just a moment.

"It is the Champion—" The Listener began, going straight to the point. He was quickly cut off.

"You will not recieve your Champion." The Great Lord declared, his hands almost pounding together in order to stress how firm his stand on the matter was.

The Listener looked off to the side, letting out an annoyed sound as his eyes narrowed. "I will soon." He countered, his voice rivaling the sternness of the other. He allowed his shoulders to relax, trying to not continue on in a heated argument that led nowhere. "But that is not who I was referring to."

"You speak of our own?" The Great Lady replied, confusion and worry evident in her tone although she tried to hide it. "What has come of him? He is in his room as we speak."

"You mean you haven't noticed?" The Listener asked, raising his eyebrows. The Great Ones exchanged a look with one another, hiding their emotions. Their actions spoke loud enough.

"Go on."

"Pathetic." The king spat. "You do not even notice when one of your own subjects are struggling. "

"He has gone to The Void. They all struggle with it."

"It has not been like usual for him. He has been despondent for some years now, and even now the scenes play out in his mind as if he had just returned. Even beside his disturbed state, it is rather worrying..." the Listener turned his face away.

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