44. The Chosen Child

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"Why'd you have to punish me like that, Salt?!" Xel moaned, puffing his cheeks out as he marched up to Miesall. He had gone from calling the Watcher Miesalt to Mr. Salt and finally just simply to Salt. The look of pure shock, confusion and anger that spread across the creature's face each time he was given a new nickname left Xelqua laughing for what felt like years.

"What are you referring to this time, Xel?" The other only sighed, fluttering his wings.

"What do you mean what do you mean?" He exclaimed, throwing his hands up in the air and puffing out his wings. "You put me in solidarity confinement!"

The snowy-haired Watcher stared at the other for a few moments before slowly bringing his forehead onto his palm. "It's called meditation, Xel, and it's not supposed to be a punishment."

"No, I'm pretty sure that's solitary confinement." The stubborn one said.

Miesall sighed once more as he brought his head back up. "Look, aren't you going to obsess over your boy?" That always seemed to calm him down. Well, quite the opposite actually, but it did make him happy.

Sure enough, Xel's mouth widened in excitement, completely forgetting about what they were just talking about moments ago. "That was amazing!" He yelled, flapping his wings as he jumped up and down.

Despite the noise, Miesall in turn, smiled as well. His was much more gentle, and his body language remained calm. "It is always fascinating witnessing the uprising of The Convex." He agreed.

"There were, like, Vexes everywhere! And they were all rushing into him! Oh, it looked so cool!" The blonde cried as he flared his arms around. He was trying to paint a picture of what he had seen and was doing a miserable job at it. "Oh, Salt, I've never seen anything like it!"

"I saw it too," The Watcher reminded. "I suppose I was quite excited the first time I spotted The Convex rising, though. Now, would you like to offer your praises with me?"

"Aw, come on! Can't we talk about him for a bit more? Please?" The blonde pleaded. In response, Miesall's smile began to fade.

"Alright. But please remember..."

Xelqua frowned as well now. "That he draws nearer to tragedy each day." He finished, causing the other to nod solemnly. "I understand."


"Ryan, Nathan get down from there!!" A panicked mother cried as she ran out of the woodland mansion. Her head was pointed upwards, where a flying ravager was being accelerated into the sky by what appeared to be some sort of blue flame. Nathan held tightly to its neck while his little brother was backwards behind him, pushing the flame out of his hands. They both could not contain their laughter, even after being scolded.

"I'm going to give you a count of 3. And when I get to three, you better be on your way down here!" The mother yelled.

The two brothers looked to each other and let out a sigh, knowing that their fun was over.

'Aw man!' Said a Vex that resided in Ryan. It was a voice only he could hear.

They spoke another language, one that boy had never been taught. Yet, he had learned to understand it over the years. He wasn't sure if he could carry on a conversation using it, but he could understand the Vexes well enough. He would speak to them in English and they wouldn't mind. They would speak to him in their language and in turn, he also did not mind. It was just simply how they communicated.

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