37.Cat's Cradle

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The Listener King burst through the doors of the Sanctum of Seers. Though he was less than a foot tall, his eyes flowed a dangerous green. 

"How did you come here?" The Great One asked, starting their usual back and forth as he whipped out a bottle of milk and drank from it. The way she spoke it seemed genuine as always.

"You opened your doors to me. That is how." The Listener sighed, not in the mood for this. He gripped his sides absentmindedly. "But that besides the point."

"What is it that causes you to come here?" The Great Lord asked, causing him to receive a glare from the tiny king.

"I am sick of your games. Your champion needed you, and yet you abandoned him." The Listener hissed. He grabbed at the bands on his arms, loosening they just a little. He grew to be about six feet in total now, his anger just a little bit more menacing.

"We did not abandon Miesall."  The Lady hummed, her tone frustratingly calm.

"You let the other Watchers confront him! You let them put him to shame and undue all of my hard work!" He threw his hand to his chest to gesture to himself.

"In truth, it did not matter weather we allowed such a thing or not. Surely you know that even before this happened, our Champion felt their judgements and criticisms. There is nothing we can do about that."

"Still, this has caused immeasurable damage that could have been prevented if only you would have intervened."

"This mission of ours to prevent the Destruction must remain secret. Neither my people nor yours could bear the thought of us working together, even for something as important as this. Surely, you know this."

The Listener only huffed in annoyance. These clowns did whatever they felt like, while he did all of the work time and time again.

"May we remind you, it is your job to create and maintain this artificial bond between The First and our Champion."

"Funny how your Champion is ineffective without me." The Listener shot back. "Maybe I will quit if you will not give me my own Champion, who is naturally drawn to The First already may I remind you."

The Great Lady only hummed in amusement. "We both know that is a lie."

The Listener turned away, gazing out into the endless nothingness. "The fact still remains: my work is very delicate." He began. He brought his hands together, a green light appearing, wrapping around his fingers like string. The lines intersected many times, creating what seemed to be a mess of lines. He began to move his fingers, trying to untangle the 'string.' "Large, risky maneuvers will not work. Instead, little by little, one whisper at a time, the results will heed themselves to me." As he finished speaking, he moved his fingers one last time. The string now lay in a fascinating and intricate design, the Cat's Cradle completed.

"And you have had millenniums to do your work. If it all comes shattering down in one day, it was not very sturdy work to begin with."

"It is not beyond repair. It has taken significant damage, however, and it will take time to turn it back to what it once was. It may always have a chip in it henceforth, however." The Listener now turned around to glare at the Great Watchers as the string vanished and his hands were freed.

"You have turned him into your rag doll. His fate has turned from what it once was to your will, but your grip is slipping on him. It scares you, does it not?" The Great One mused

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