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Grian now looked down at his still naked self. He was shocked with just how much ash had been put on him -- his entire body was covered will all sorts of symbols and Language. There was so much of it that it hard to focus on any of it! Just how long had he been lost in thought?

Miesall walked around Grian, taking the ceremonial robes and shawl from the table. "Here, put these on." He instructed as he handed them to Grian.

Grian was quick to put them on, more than happy to be able to clothe himself once more. These robes, unlike the ones he was used to, was a bit thicker and heavier. His body was still a bit cold, so he welcomed the added warmth. In exchange, however, he found that there were large holes in the back of the cloth, still exposing him to the cold air of the room. It was a place for wings to stick through, but he didn't have any... yet.

Miesall then took the shawl and draped it across Grian's shoulders so that it covered his bare back. He then tied it in the so that it would not slip off, fastening it with a clip with the Watcher's insignia on it as Grian watched. He made quick work of it all, but his movements were delicate and gentle. "Are you ready?" He asked softly, frowning.

Grian's stomach was churning. Although he hadn't technically eaten anything in... who knows how long it's been since he got here, he felt as though he might lose whatever contents was in his stomach. His head was starting to spin even faster and he could feel his worries and mournfulness consume him from the inside. He stared at Miesall and slowly shook his head, still disallowed from speaking he assumed.

"Oh Grian..." Miesall whispered, his lip almost quivering now. It hadn't mattered if Grian was ready or if he even wanted to do this at all— it was happening whether he liked it or not, and neither of them could do a single thing about it. He wrapped his arms around the smaller male, pulling him closer to himself. He enveloped the frail human with his wings, further closing him in. It was not Symus' touch, which felt as though it was a trap to keep him in place. This was gentle but firm, a strange thing he had almost forgotten had existed— a hug. He was confused and shocked at this at first — he had never received such a thing here. Then he felt himself wrapping his own arm's around Miesall, underneath his wings. It felt safe and more importantly, it felt real.

Grian rested his head in the crook of Miesall's neck. "I wish there was something I could do, but I know that I cannot defy fate, nor the Great Ones." Miesall spoke gently.  Grian felt himself nod into the Watcher, telling him he understood. Then he felt the soft wings pull back and Miesall's arms slip though Grian's torso. Grian wished it could have lasted longer, the feeling having had subsided some of the worry and remorse, but he too pulled away.

The two stared at each other for another minute before Miesall walked over to the chair, grabbing his outer robe and putting it on. "They are waiting for us. We must go to the Sanctum of Seers at once." He said, his stone composure returning once more.

And so, the two made their way to the giant doors in the center of the temple, side by side. The great doors opened themselves up as they approached, allowing them access to the Sanctum.

Grian had almost forgotten just how vast and endless it was. He felt as though he was floating, and he quickly found himself almost disoriented as he heard the doors swing shut behind them.

This time, however, it wasn't quite as empty as it had been. Each and every Watcher was there, dressed in their best attire. They formed a large half circle facing them, a good twenty or so meters in between each person. They were all smiling, shaking their hands as a silent clap to welcome the two newcomers. In the center of this circle was some kind of obsidian box.

With a loud flap, Miesall took off like a bullet, leaving Grian on his own and leaving purple feathers to descend into the infinite space. He landed in an empty spot in the circle, joining the other Watchers. Grian almost reached for him. He had no idea what was supposed to happen and Miesall was a a small source of comfort for him. Instead he stood still, waiting for something to happen as looked from face to face to face.

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