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Xelqua laid on the floor of his room, staring at the ceiling. He watched as other people went about their business, chatting and working and flying.

He wasn't sure how long he had sat here, lying on the floor, but it reminded him of the old days. In the beginning, when he was just a frail little human out of place with no bed to sleep in. Well, maybe things still weren't so different. He still was a bit of an outsider, at least that's what he felt. He was still different from everyone else. Even though he had been here for so long, he still felt as though he had just as much to learn as the very first day he had arrived.

Things were a little better now, though. He had Miesall by his side at the very least. Not because he was a Watcher now, either.

He slowly sat up, groaning as he stretched his wings. He could just barely manage to stretch them the full length now without assistance, although it was very taxing if he tried to keep them open for any longer than two seconds.

Miesall had recovered quicker than he had. He watched as Miesall paused mid-step in the hallway and turn back around to the North Wing. Xelqua decided to stay there, suspecting that Miesall was coming for him.

Sure enough, it was only a minute or two before the Watcher pushed the door open. "You are up," he observed, his stone expression tightly on his face once more. "Does that mean that you feeling better, Xel?"

Xelqua nodded, smiling that Miesall had used an informal way to refer to him just as he had requested. "Yeah, I guess so, Miesalt."

Miesall stood in the doorway silently, fluttering his wings a few times, causing the human to chuckle. "Why is it again that you wish me to refer to you as the sun ("xel")? And that you insist on saying my name wrong?"

"Well, that's what friends do, isn't it?" Xel asked, causing the taller Watcher to freeze.

"F... friends?" He asked, the color draining from his face.

Xelqua cocked his head to the side. "Yes, friends. Certainly you've heard of friends before, haven't you?"

"You call the Evolutionists your friends," Miesalt recalled.

The former human frowned. "You don't know what that means... do you?"

"It means two beings that do not share blood and are not unacquainted. It is generally on a path towards sexual relations." Miesall described plainly, inviting himself in the room now before closing the door. The little Watcher flushed.

"I— what? No! I mean, not quite..." he rambled on nervously. The curly haired Watcher moved over towards him, getting so close their faces almost touched, causing him to blush all the more.

"Xel," Miesall whispered softly into the former human's ear as smiled and he wrote on his sleeve. It sent a shiver down Xelqua's spine as he backed away, unsure of where this was going.

"W-What is it, Miesall..?" He asked, stuttering. He didn't have a good feeling about this.

"The thing is..." Miesall whispered, getting closer as much as Xel continued to move away. He found himself hitting the wall, having nowhere left to go. Miesall's lips were daringly close to Xelqua's, barely any space between them. Xelqua tried to move back more, but the wall did not budge for him. There was no where to run. His heart beat wildly in his chest as he blushed, wanting nothing to do with this.

"Yes, yes?" He gulped. Then Miesall froze.

"We're celibate."

Xelqua let out a sigh of relief, the color fading from his cheeks. "Yes," he breathed. "We are celibate, platonic friends. And we will always be because we are celibate. Well— not just because we're celibate! We'd still be just friends if we weren't!"

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