58. Con Of The Vex

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Xelqua's wings shot open before he began to race to the west wing of the temple. Anger was painted on his face as he soared through the halls, heading towards none other than Miesall.

The curly-haired Watcher knew this of course, though he stayed where he was. He was tucked in a corner of his room, his wings uncomfortably pressed against the walls. He kept his head down, as if he needed to do that to read the book that laid open against his knees. Though it appeared he was reading, he was not. He had given up reading mid sentence some minutes, hours or days ago.

He saw it. Xelqua saw it. All of the Watchers had seen it.

Miesall was too distracted to read now. Between the scene that was unfolding between The Convex and the empty vessel, Xel's fury and Xiomara's constant jeering, there was just too many things demanding his attention. Usually he could handle so many things at once, but this situation was dire enough to drain his ability to focus on multiple things.

"I told you!" Xiomara was signing. He was spinning and dancing from where he was, throwing his hands around to exclaim his words. "Pathetic! I told you not to act with your heart! You'll crumble and fall every time! Miesall, you of all people should know that as a Watcher. You should have taught Xelqua that as well. But yet, you let your emotions get in the way. This is what chaos you bring with those decisions."

Miesall saw himself begin to make a fist as he imagined Xiomara's beaten and broken body. The page he had been holding in between his fingers began to crumple up. It wasn't enough to express his annoyance to the jeerer. He tore the page right in half before burning it with his magic.

Getting up now, he threw The Book Thief at the wall. It slapped the surface hard before clattering onto the floor. Even though the abused book was one of the titles he related to most, he showed it no remorse. 

He wanted nothing more than to beat Xiomara to a pulp, but now was not the time for that. The worst part about this was that Xiomara had been right. This really did show both him and Xel what a bad idea growing attached could be.

More confusingly, why had Miesall grown attached in the first place? He knew the boy was doomed from the start, even if he didn't know exactly how. He knew that like all other beings, even ones who were not cursed, the boy would meet his demise eventually. He reminded himself of this every second. He had watched countless tragedies, watched the slaughter of so many innocent people for no reason at all. So why then, after all of that, had he grown attached to this one child?

He sighed, realizing the most probable cause as to why.

That was when Xelqua just about tore the door down and dashed inside. "You told me that Ryan was the Convex!" He just about yelled.

"I did." Miesall replied through gritted teeth and fingers balled in a fist so tight it was hard to understand his words. 

"You said The Convex couldn't be hurt by the Vexes' magic!"

Miesall took a big breath to try and dissolve his own anger. It would not help in this scenario. "I did."

"So you lied to me?!" Xel said, throwing his hands and wings up in the air. He spun around so his back faced the Watcher before crossing his arms.

Miesall crossed his own arms, digging his nails into his flesh. His body trembled, wanting to retort, but he refused to let it unlike Xelqua. He let out another sigh, trying desperately to calm himself. He was supposed to be the calm and mature one of the two of them. "Xelqua, you knew this was going to be a disaster..." he signed silently, directing his gaze at the other's back.

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