32.Listener's Folly

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CHANGES ARE COMING!! As I stated in another author's note, I want this to cover the full story, and it's really dawned on me just how many chapters that is going to be. (I mean, Grian hasn't even joined HC yet on chapter 32! And I want to cover 4 seasons?!) That, and I don't think this book has really grown into the name quite yet. So, after a lot of thinking, I've decided that this isn't going to be a book, but a series of books. This book is going to be renamed to Xelqua Rising, but the AU as a whole will still be referred to as The Lost One. I will likely wait a few days to officially change it, though.


"That was close..." a male said out loud, letting out a heavy sigh.

 He pulled off the hood he was wearing, freeing his horns and ears, his sleeves sliding down just enough to reveal the golden fabric bound tightly around his arms, wrapped around him many times over. He grabbed a bottle of milk and downed it in a few swigs before tossing it into the endless nothingness like he always did at the start of these meetings.

"That was reckless!" The Great One agreed, frowning. His voice was a verbal whisper, so quiet even his breathing was louder than it; it was the only way the three could communicate. So many rules broken on both sides to allow these meetings to take place.

"How did he see me?! It should have been impossible!"

"Did you manage to get him to forget, at least?"

"I diverted his attention, yes. At worst, he'll think I was some post-Void illusion."

"Oh, so that's why you have come."

"Of course it is! How could you throw The First into The Void?!"

"He misbehaved. As a Watcher, he must be punished if he does not keep our ways."

"What were you thinking! Punishing him so severely will not adore him to you! It will only serve to drive him out!"

"Punishing him when he does wrong will prove that he is not a guest, but as true a Watcher as any of the rest."

"But he is not like the rest."

The Great Watchers did not respond.

The Listener crossed his arms. "We must work together if we want to prevent Destruction. I despise it as much as you, you can be assured of that. You must listen to me and I need to see eye-to-eye with you."


A silence passed.

"Speaking of the Destruction, we should address that as well since I am here."

"Where is It as we speak?"

The Listener took a deep breath before closing his eyes, ears beginning to wiggle, searching the cosmos for the exact location of The Entity. "Last time we met, I told you it would take five centuries maximum until it arrives. Now, I tell you, it will arrive between fifty years and two centuries."

"So your estimate..."

"Was too short, yes."

"What says the past?"

"The Entity preys on a certain type. Dangerous and reckless in nature, much like itself. Those types, in their right mind, can show restraint, but It removes that restraint. That is, if the occurrences in my findings are, in fact, the same creature."

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