47. Update Day (Part 1)

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Hey guys! It's been awhile, hasn't it? I promise I haven't abandoned you... ;-;

So here is the thing: this next chapter (well, chapters because I split it in two) was incredibly hard for me to write. It was totally out of my comfort zone and I seriously considered scrapping it at least ten different times. I know that I usually post pretty often, but I really wanted to make sure that I got this right. Even after I wrote the draft, I was dreading editing it. (Also didn't help that I was busy otherwise). 

I have continued writing throughout this, and thankfully after this part, it has gotten back to being fairly easy and enjoyable. The chapter I'm currently working on will be very... uh, different, as well. I wonder how you guys will react...

Anyway, I hope you enjoy, and I'll see you soon~


Ryan's eyes opened ever so slightly before he let out a groan. As his eyes adjusted to the morning light, he sat himself upright. His memory was a bit foggy as to what had happened the day prior, and he rubbed his forehead as he tried in vain to remember. He realized that it must be that the Vexes took control over his body as per their agreement.

"Hey, Ryan!" Nathan called from some far away place. "Hurry up and get down here! It's Update Day!"

Ryan blinked a few times. What did his brother mean by down here? Then it dawned on him: he wasn't in his room. Instead, he was outside in his bed, which happened to be far above the ground.

He let out a surprised yelp as he scrambled to look over the side of his bed, tiredness vanishing instantly. It appeared that his bed was on top of some sort of giant plant, kind of like Jack and the Beanstalk. On the ground, looking to be the size of ants, was his brother waving his arms to get his attention. Their parents weren't too far away, although they weren't making such a ruckus. Behind them laid some sort of large box.

Adrenaline residing now, Ryan slowly got to his feet.

"Careful, Ryan! Don't fall!" His mother cried. The boy only smirked.

'It's the fastest way.' He said in his mind.

'That's right!' Said a Vex.

'This is going to be fun!' Cried another.

The boy jumped a few times on the bed and the springs caused him to bounce high in the air. His mother's scream did not faze him at all as he jumped off the bed, hurdling towards what was certain to be his death.

The wind rushed through his hair, roaring in his ears. It was so very loud that he couldn't hear his own scream, although that one was filled with excitement. As he descended, he twirled in the air, maneuvering all sorts of fun tricks: flips, spins, barrel rolls, and anything of the sort.

The ground was drawing dangerously near now, but Ryan paid no mind. Instead, it only gave him curiosity. Just how far did he dare fall without going splat?

It wasn't until he could feel the very tips of the grass blades that he used his magic to stop himself, making him hover in mid air for a few seconds before allowing himself to faceplant into the ground.

"Ryan! That was dangerous!" His mother scolded him as he sat himself up.

Ryan only rolled his eyes before he began to argue. "Mommy, the Vexes don't let me get hurt. And even if I did, I'll just wake up in my bed."

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