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At first, nothing. Grian was somewhat conscious in the sense that he was thinking, but he could not tap into any of his senses or move his body. And then, he suddenly saw hundreds of different sights all at once, none of them corresponding to each other in any way. A girl walking her dog. A creeper in a cave. An air balloon sailing across the horizon. So many things at once that it immediately overloaded his brain, and he couldn't register any of it. As soon he focused on any one sight, the eye would teleport itself elsewhere, leaving Grian -- er, Xelqua now-- right where he started.

Then the eyes seemed to disappear one by one until there was only one. He internally breathed a sigh of relief, being able to more than easily focus on whatever his eye chose to look at. He tried to control it, to let it see what he wanted to see, but it did not listen.

He soon was aware of his body, how it laid against the obsidian in the pool of liquid. He could now tell that he was fully submerged, yet he did not struggle for air. He did not need to breathe, it appeared. From his back, he felt six new appendages — wings, he presumed. 

His body had some sort of current running through it, almost as if it was electric. It swirled around his veins, coursing through his body much like his blood. He could feel the tips of his fingers and toes were releasing small bits of this energy, pulsing. It felt oddly new and familiar at the same time. Magic, he realized it was. It had felt familiar since there had been magic used on him so many times now. When they had first started using it on him, it was accompanied with a tingling feeling that was almost unbearable. At the end of his humanness, he barely even noticed it. The feeling was back now, and it was so much stronger than it had ever been. He couldn't stop it at all. 

On all of his body, he felt this almost crushing pressure. It pinned him down, disallowing him from getting up. He tried moving his hands, and he managed to wiggle his fingers a bit. He tried his feet, and found that he could also move his toes a little as well. He tried the appendages, but quickly found that he had no idea how to move them. When he moved his arms again, he found that the wings moved as well, but to a much lesser extent. It was as if the two were related in the wiring of his system, and given their proximity they likely were. He just had to figure out how to move them independently from his arms.

He went back to focusing on trying to control his detached eye. If only he could figure out how to control it, he could see what his old friends were up to, fulfilling the promise he had made to watch over them. Whereas he had figured out a way to slightly control his wings, albeit strange and very energy consuming, he hadn't the slight clue as to how to direct the eye. It just seemed to go wherever it pleased.

It showed him many things, although most of it mundane. After staying in the same place for some time, it would switch places as if changing stations on TV. Sometimes, it would move to different areas in the same location, but other times, it would go in a completely new area.

At some point, he had begun to press his will into it, being able to tell it where to go. He didn't consciously understand how he was doing this, but he he did it nonetheless. It didn't always listen, but it was progress. The surges of magic had pretty much stopped as well now, though he could most definitely tell the magic was still coursing through him.

'Go to Evo', he kept telling the eye. After a myriad of tries, he got it to go there once again. He was able to find the last version he had been in, but he could not find anyone. The sun rose and fell again and again, but no one was to be seen. They must have gone to the next version. Of course they had gone to the next version -- the next portal was in The End! He felt his heart sink as he realized that he didn't have the slightest clue as to where the next version was.

That was when it happened: he no longer had one eye, but five, each in a different place. He tried to control them all, but it was just too many to keep track of. He had just barely gotten control of the one! Now he found his attention was split too thin. He quickly found himself exhausted trying to control them and he gave up, letting the eyes do what they wanted.

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