50. Tales Of The Void

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I put a trigger warning at the very bottom of this chapter, though it might spoil what happens (in the chapter). 

I hope you enjoy.


The Void was a punishment the Great Ones used against those who disobeyed them. In that way, they kept their subjects in line. But even so, their subjects were never perfect. Even the best Watchers would be sent to The Void every now and then. Xelqua and Miesall were certainly no exception to this.

The Void affected everyone differently. For some, it gave terrible nightmares. For others, it gave physical torment, all senses either absent or aiding in the torment. To Xelqua, it mostly gave dreams. To Miesall, it mostly gave torments.

Grian stood alone in the darkness. Sometimes, standing there in the nothingness was a punishment in itself. Having nothing but fears and anticipation feeding on your soul was certainly not pleasant. His vision was once again binocular, implying that he was human. The Void often played onto perception rather than reality, and so his human side— Grian — emerged in these dreams quite often. This was one of those times.

Suddenly, two hands covered Grian's two eyes. "Guess who." They said in a voice that was all to familiar.

Grian flinched. It had been his own voice, though a tinge of robot laid in it . "NPC." He replied through gritted teeth.

"That's right!" NPC Grian cheered as he removed his hands over Grian's eyes. The man turned to look at the creation, trying to hide the disgust in his eyes.

"I thought I hid you in my closet." He said.

"Ah, nothing but the power of rustic houses itself can hold me back!" The robot gave a wink and a thumbs up. His smile was wide and his mood was disgustingly cheerful.

"So my punishment is annoyance, then." Grian blinked.

"This is not a punishment, Creator! We're going to build a rustic house together!" NPC sang, grabbing the man's hand with such force that it crushed his very bones. The robot was unfazed by his creator's cry, continuing to hold the man's hand.

From the 'ground' rose up tiny little things that began to crawl around. At first Grian thought they were ants, but as slightly larger ones began emerging, he realized they were none other than living houses with two arms and four legs. The style of these houses, of course, were the robot's favorite kind.

Hundreds were emerging now, some the size of beetles and others the size of doll houses. They wandered around aimlessly, which that alone was enough to make Grian's skin crawl. He dared not speak, wanting to neither excite or anger the bot.

"Look at them! Aren't they beautiful!" NPC sang, the auto-tune clear in his voice. 

Grian shut his eyes. "N-not really..." he replied through gritted teeth, tugging on his broken hand. It was in vain, only causing him more pain. That's when he felt a slight tingle on his lower left leg. He felt it more and more, and quickly both legs had this feeling, starting at his feet and quickly climbing upwards.

Grian opened his eyes, finding that all the rustic houses were heading straight for him, climbing up onto him. Thousands surrounded him, and hundreds were still emerging by the second. They did the same to NPC, but that only made him smile all the more. The human let out a shriek as he pulled backwards. He found himself slipping and falling, being ripped from the robot's grip. He fell onto his back, on top a bunch of the houses. Their chimneys extended themselves into his back, breaking skin and bone. He let out a helpless cry as they pierced through his organs and came out the other side. He could only lay there as they climbed up on top of him until they fully covered him.

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