61. Curiosity

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Xel let out a loud sigh. He was almost as bored as he was whenever he was forced to meditate. He needed some entertainment, seeing as peeping into people's lives just was not cutting it for him at the moment.

He looked around the temple, realizing that Miesall still was doing some meditation himself. He thought for a moment of joining him, but then he laughed out loud. Sure, he knew that his friend would like that and may even be proud for him for it, but that was not happening. Why would he want to torture himself?

Okay, new plan. Instead, why not practice some of his magic skills. Magic was cool after all. And hey, maybe his former teacher would still be impressed that way.

He stood up from his chair as he began to rub his palms together. He barely even noticed how the magic flowed to them or that they had begun to glow as a result. Using magic had become almost second nature to him.

He raised his hands and from the ground, and obsidian began to rise. He spread his arms out, and the rock spread itself out as well. He moved his fingers making little details, or at least trying his best to. With a few more movements, he had made himself an obsidian bed on wobbly legs. He frowned as he sat on top of it. It definitely needed work, but he practice was rather boring to him. He needed to go find something more interesting to do.

If practicing what he already knew was boring, then maybe learning something new would be better. Miesall had said that he didn't know everything, right? Getting off the bed once more, he headed off to the library.

The library, if you could even call it that, was a small room just off of the lecture hall. At the head of the room was a podium, and off to the side was a small shelf containing books. The collection only had a few titles — it didn't even come close to rivaling Miesall's. There were several copies of The Book of Vision, and this took up half of the shelf already. Other books included handbooks on magic, fighting, potion brewing and history of the Watchers. Outside of the Book of Vision, Miesall had almost never brought them out. Perhaps a bit ironically, he had no interest in them. Xelqua ran his finger along the backs of them, eyeing each title. He stopped when he got to one labeled as The Book of Magic Instruction.

He pulled it out. He stared at the dark purple cover, admiring the golden galactic symbols impressed onto its surface. It looked as though it had never been touched, though obviously it must of at some point. He opened up to the first page, looking through the table of contents.

3.Healing and Restoration
5.Transferring objects
6.Creating portals

Reading each one, he found himself getting bored. He really had been taught just about everything, in the very least enough to get by. He moved his finger down the page as he read each one but then he paused at "Creating Portals."

He had never seen Watchers do that! But then again, yes he had. That was how he had been brought to this place and how the Evolutionists had jumped from version to version.

Of course, he almost scoffed at himself, how else would they be able to do that? Though, seeing as they stayed in the Downside Up at all times, there wasn't much use in making portals. Still though, it sounded cool. He brought the book into the lecture hall as he flipped to the chapter.

Xelqua quickly found that the chapter was very wordy. He soon found himself skimming the pages, flipping through explanations of what makes a portal a portal and that kind of nonsense. When he turned the page again, he found drawings taking up a big sections of the page. They showed poses, presumably the ones that would help create a portal.

'Don't do it. I'm supposed to hate learning.' He reminded himself.

But so what? He pushed back. What could he say? He his curiosity had been peaked.

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