49. Closed

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Xelqua lifted his hand to the door that belonged to Miesall. He was about to knock, but then he hesitated. He took a breath before lifting his arm up, but hand signs stopped him.

"What is it, Xel?" Miesall signed from the other side of the door. His hand barely signed, which the other interpreted as tiredness. He was laying on the ground, spread out in a mess as if he had fallen. His head was pointed towards the wall, and he gripped Hamlet loosely in his left hand though he had no intention of reading it.

"Well, I just wanted to check on you..." Xel began with soft motions, finding a slight nervousness bubble in his stomach.

"You did not need to come here in person to do that, Xel..." Miesall replied. He was tempted to move his head to look at the door, but he did not.

"I know, but I'm really worried about you! You haven't come out your room in ages!" Xel exclaimed, finding a small burst of confidence somewhere. "You didn't even complain about how silly it was to name a cat after a dessert!"

The natural-born Watcher was tempted to bring up the fact that it wasn't even spelled right, but apathy clouded him. "I am recovering from The Void. It does not usually take this long, but I do not want you to worry about me."

The former human paused, unsure of the magic words to say to make everything better. "I... just want to help you. What was it that knocked you down this hard...?" He whispered to the closed door, signing onto its wooden frame. He wished to sign onto his friend, but this would have to do. He was met with silence. "Miesall, please..."

Miesall slowly shook his head as he traced his teeth with his tongue. The memories haunted him, even now as he formulated his response "This is just something I have to work on by myself."


"We do not speak of The Void, Xelqua. Now, kindly leave me alone."



"Miesall? Do you want to build a snowman?" (I'm sorry--)

So.. this was a bit of a different chapter. I try to write chapters that are 1.5-3k words, but I thought I would experiment with that for once. This one is only a little over 300 words. (I'm not saying that I'm thinking of having all my chapters this length; that's too short. But maybe I shouldn't stick so strictly to the length I have been doing up until now.)

Anyway, what do you guys think has gotten Miesalt all riled up? You'll see soon enough, but I'm curious to hear what you think happened in The Void...

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