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Miesall stared at the pool beside him. It was obscured, having turned fully purple now. He had watched each and every Watcher exit the Sanctum and now it was just him, The Great Ones and this being in the pool.

Grian, he had been named when he was born. It was the human the Great Ones had told him about when he was only a few hundred years old, long before he was to be born.

"Miesall," The Great Lord spoke, causing the Watcher to jump. "We must speak with you regarding your actions."

He had known this was coming, but it still scared him. "Yes, my Lord." His hands trembled.

"First of all, You lied. You told The First that he would be alright when you yourself did not believe it."  The Great One started. Miesall only nodded, not wanting to add to the pile of lies he had given. He could almost already feel his body burning, bending, breaking in The Void.

"However," The other Great Watcher interjected. "You only did so in hopes of coaxing him into obeying his fate. Therefore, we will allow these lies to slip by just this once."

He hated the idea that he was coaxing Grian into something he desperately did not want to do, but it was true that he had. He felt himself relax, his wings unfurling just a bit, a weight off of his shoulders.

"Did you think that you were in the clear?" The First Great Watcher spoke, causing Miesall to freeze. "Lying was not the only thing you did."

Right... he had publicly barred himself. He was done for.

"We have existed long before even the palace was constructed. We have created every Watcher to ever exist and watched over them until their demise. Never in all of our years have we seen an adult engage in a public display of nudity!" His hands smashed together, sending a loud clap — a yell— echoing throughout the Sanctum. It was so loud that everyone in the Downside Up could surely hear it. Miesall fell to his knees and covered his bleeding ears. Tears rolled down his cheeks. This was it— this was surely the end. He had never seen the Great One that furious before! He prepared himself for his body to be swallowed up, destroyed and incinerated.

But then, the Great Lady turned, her robes sweeping across the floor in a memorizing display. Her arm rested on his. "Let me handle this," she signed into his arm. She removed her hand, turning back around.  "Miesall, why did you derobe yourself?" She asked gently.

Miesall sat up, taking a deep breath as he tried to subside his nerves. It didn't work, and so he swallowed to buy himself more time. "Grian was cold," he signed, his fingers continuing to tremble as he barely moved them; a whisper. 

"And so your thought it was proper to bare yourself?" She asked, her calmness starting to slip away.

"Well, not exactly—"

"So then why did you do it?" She asked, crossing her arms as she waited, expecting an answer.

Miesall hung his head. Even he wasn't entirely sure why he had done such an impulsive act, so how was he supposed to justify it to them? "I... he just looked... so very cold..." he repeated again. He was certain that this wasn't helping his case. "Humans are fragile, you know... I didn't want him to get sick..." he fumbled, knowing full well that he could have healed Grian if he had gotten sick.

He had done it because of a feeling that he couldn't even begin to explain. Trying to explain this would probably not help him.

He wasn't sure when this feeling emerged or how it even came to be. It just... was. Somewhere between the watching, the lessons and the various interactions in between it has sprouted and grown. The feeling always went back to Grian.

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