48. Update Day (Part 2)

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The two stepped out of the way of the ladder and looked around the room. The walls, floors and ceiling were all made of obsidian, making the area look dark. Even though everything was the same material, it was almost hard to believe it. The floors and ceiling were polished and cut into clear blocks. The walls were chiseled with intricate designs. It was well light thankfully, having torches attached to the wall.

The room was a large square, and other than a chest in the center, it was empty. From the room protruded two halls, one heading west and the other east.

"Spooky." Ryan shivered. It reminded him of caves, and that was where monsters lived. His brother nodded in agreement as he headed for the chest.

'Do not worry, Ryan. Watchers take their jobs seriously in these festivities. No harm will come to you here lest you break fate.' A Vex explained. Ryan only blinked.

'You always forget he's just a kid.'

'What they meant to say is this place is safe. Watchers don't hurt people unless you disobey fate.'

Ryan watched his brother open the chest and lean into it, likely picking something up. It was probably another book.

'But how do I know what she wants? I've never met her.'

'Fate isn't a person.' A Vex explained for a second time.

'Just.. don't worry about it.'

'Yeah! We got you, Ryan!'

Ryan refrained from nodding this time. Instead, he watched as his brother stood up with yet another book. It was only then that his parents had arrived.

"You two are slow!" He informed them, earning himself two frowns.

"We don't want you two getting hurt." Their father scolded, but the kids were to excited to pay them any mind.

"Look, Dad! Another book!" Nathan exclaimed, holding up the book for his parents to see.

His father gently took the book out of his son's hands. Inside was another riddle.

"Two paths diverge from the rest

As you near the completion of your quest.

Hurry now as the sky is painted,

And let us now get acquainted." 

The mother looked to one path to the other. "I think they want us to split up." She replied. The others agreed.

Ryan was quick to hug his mother. His small body only could reach up to her waist. "Can I be with you, Mommy?" He asked, peering up at the woman.

"No fair!" Nathan huffed. "I wanted to be with Mom!"

The father was quick to brush off the rejection from his children. He knew that whichever one went with her, the other would be upset. He got another idea instead. "Hey, why don't you boys go off on your own? It'll be your own little adventure." He suggested. He quickly received a glare from his wife. "It is their fate to accept their gifts; the Watchers would not put them in danger. And besides, we must believe that The Vexes will keep them safe."

And so, the boys headed down the west tunnel. It was a long hall, and eerily silent. Each step they took resounded, echoing off the walls.

Ryan found himself clinging to his brother. "I'm scared..." he muttered. He held his shoulders tight as he trembled.

"You're The Convex! You can't be scared!" His brother replied as they continued walking. His exclamation didn't help any. He tried again. "Look, Mom and Dad said the Vexes will keep us safe. We have to believe in them."

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