53. Courses

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'This memory of mine is going to do no good.' Miesall's gut told him. As always, it was probably right. Miesall moved his head from where it was on the floor. It was supposed to be a nod, though he wasn't really sure why he was nodding to himself.

'If you will allow me, I can help you get rid of it.' The gut replied.

Miesall didn't know guts could do that, but then again, he didn't know guts could do a lot of things. If they could truly do that, it would certainly be wonderful. The edges of his lips almost tugged into a smile at the idea of never having to think of the horrors he had tasted, felt and seen in The Void.

'In truth, it is rather silly that I have been dwelling on this matter.' His gut began, 'The reality is, it did not happen.'

Miesall frowned. He was sure that it had. Of course it was real— the amount of details engraved in his brain, through sight, touch, and even taste; it had to have happened.

'Work with me, alright?' His gut protested. 'The Void shows things you are scared of, correct? Or it tortures you. It almost always does the later to me. Why did it not it this time?'

Miesall slowly sat up. His messy hair got in the way of his mask, but he did not fix it. He wasn't sure why The Void did what it did, but it wasn't rare that he had a Void dream. He remained unconvinced.

'I mean really. Am I afraid of forced sexual relations?' His gut continued.

This made Miesall pause.

'It did not happen, Miesall.' His gut's voice soothed. It was almost hypnotic in a way. 'It did not happen at all... not at all... it was made up... I do not even remember what it is I made up... but it did not happen...'

The Watcher found himself leaning more and more into his gut's voice. It was sinking him in deeper and deeper, drowning out the memories. He did not fight it— why should he? He wanted to forget, and after some time, he did.

Miesall got up from the floor. His body glowed with magic and he adjusted his garments, which became just a bit neater and cleaner as a result. He took a breath before walking out his door. He could already see Xelqua just about bounding for him as an invisible figure walked out from the open doorway.

"Miesall! You're out of your room finally!" The former human began signing as he continued to fly. "Are you feeling better?"

The Watcher had expected this, but it still took him by surprise somehow just how fast Xelqua got to him. "Yeah. I do not even remember what I saw." He admitted, shrugging his shoulders. For some reason, this made Xelqua frown.

"I... guess that's good that you aren't suffering anymore..." Xel replied, his voice sounding fairly uncertain. He shook his head. "I know what will make you happy!" He decided suddenly, clapping his hands together as he regained his smile.

Of course he would jump right in on something. Miesall couldn't bring himself to be upset, although he was sure to flutter his wings anyway. "What is it?" he asked.

"You're going to show me your obstacle course! You haven't done that yet, and I've gotten really good at flying! I think it's time!" Xel decided for himself. 

Miesall fluttered his wings a second time, but only slightly. A smile had snuck right onto his lips. Sure Xel was being perhaps a bit selfish, but he couldn't help but think of how it was so fitting as well. "Alright then. Let us go," he said. He turned on his heel, the former human quick to follow. Miesall led Xel out to the garden, to the edge of the temple grounds where he had first learned to fly. 

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