10.The Argument

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Grian laid on his floor, staring up at the ceiling. He finally had seen Miesall, but their meeting had been awkward at best. Before he could really ask him about where he had been, he was dragged off by that rude Watcher, Xiomara for some kind of meeting.

(He finally knew the guy's name! He got the chance to ask him a few sleep cycles back. After he knew, he scurried off before the Watcher could harm him.)

Grian couldn't help but feel like Miesall was acting a bit off, although he didn't know the guy very well. Watchers were supposed to have hundreds of eyes that they could move and position as they pleased, and yet the creature had managed to walk right into him, although he wasn't even moving. Was he sick? That would make sense, but did Watchers actually get sick?

Perhaps he shouldn't think too much into it, but then again, it served as a nice distraction. When he was alone like this, he always went back to thinking of his friends back in the Overworld. The more he thought of them, the more likely he would cry, which could be used against him later. So even if it was nothing after all, it felt nice to worry about something else for once. He felt his eyes begin to get heavy. Perhaps their influence had reached him, or maybe he really was tired. Either way, it wasn't too much longer until sleep found him.

Upon waking, he slowly sat up, pushing the blankets off of him. He looked to the door and waited for one of the Watchers to come get him as he wondered which one it would be this time. There was no pattern, no set teacher he had. They just seemed to randomly decide on a whim; whoever was free he guessed. He stared at the door as he listened to the echoes of footsteps in the hallway, coming nearer. The doorknob turned and the door opened, revealing Miesall.

"Hey, Miesall," Grian said as he stood himself up. "Are you going to teach me?" He still didn't care to be taught, but it gave him a routine to stick to at least.

"Yes." The white-haired one responded before turning on his heel and heading towards the North wing. Grian was already following behind, knowing that they didn't like to stick around when they had a task.

"What are we learning?" The human asked as he usually did, even though the answer was always the same.

"I thought that I would teach you our ways." Miesall replied. They had never done that before; it had always just been learning Language.

"Why the change?"

"You have been here for awhile now. Wouldn't you say that it's about time to start learning how to act properly alongside becoming literate?"

Grian shrugged. He had no idea. He just let these powerful entities do what they liked with him; he never had a choice.

The two soon found themselves in the lecture hall once more. Between the two on the desk was the glowing holy book, the Book of Vision that the Watchers lived by.

"As you I have told you in the past, this is our holy book. It was written by the Great Ones to instruct us how to live. This book is what you shall look to first when doing anything at all. There are times, albeit rare, that the Great Ones May grant you an exception, allowing you to break a rule. However, you should follow the book first— they will call you if you are granted the exception." Miesall explained. Grian slowly nodded, staring up at the other.

"Why would they want you to break a rule?" Grian asked.

"Some things are more important than rules and order, Grian. I think you of all people should know that."

Grian tried to search the Watcher's face. It was true that he liked to bend the rules, but that was just to have fun. In this place, that style of thinking did not seem welcome. He did not respond for some time, trying to work it out in his mind. He could not, but he was ashamed to admit it. He stayed silent.

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