[ Chapter 51 : Drunk ]

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*play song*

Y/n's pov.  

I hold onto the stick with the marshmallow at the end roasting with this bonfire in the middle.

" You had enough Jacqueline, no more " Adrienne said and walk away with the rest of the graham crackers.

Jacqueline sit there beside me and pout, I look back at the stick I'm holding then move it down in front of her, her eyes lock on the marshmallow and gasp, she was smart enough to blow before she bites it off, she chews happily and I smile lightly as I stab another marshmallow with the stick.

I look over the other side of this bonfire and see Calvin and Claude enjoying the last bit of crème brûlée with Kawaii-chan and Xelora, I hear a whine and felt a tug on my jacket, I look down at Jacqueline who's looking up at me with pleading eyes, I turn to see the marshmallow is half roasted.

I give it to her anyways and she doesn't seem to care, I grab the bag of marshmallow and give it to her, she just stuff everything in her mouth, I sigh then put down the stick. Putting my hand on her head as a caress which I feel her purring loudly while munching on those sweets.

" Y/n " I look to my left and see Katelyn sitting down next to me with Ayanna in her arms.

" Yes? " I asked.

" I'll get straight to the point " she said, I glance at the distance where Fleur is with Laurence and I look back at her.

" Your here on their behalf " I said, her lips was left ajar when I beat her to it, she closes her mouth and nods.

" They wanted to let you know it happened when they were escaping the Solvereigns, it meant nothing to them, a spur of the moment " she said, I raise my brow at her and she smiles.

" Thanks for making me feel better " I sarcastically said, she sighs.

" They're trying to make it up with you, they also said the make out was meant to be the last time they do it, get over after that and stop " she said.

" Should've still told me, they had no rights hiding it from me, hiding it means their guilty " I said.

" Fleur really felt bad and want to apologize, sincerely " she said.

" Sincerely?, Really? " I chuckle.

" If she wants to apologize, then she should have the guts to say it to my face " I said.

" Because from the looks of it, they seem to be more interested tasting each other's mouths than thinking about my opinion!, If they really felt bad they should've just told me themselves rather than have me find out!, So why does it even matter if you or they explain?!, What's done is done end of story! "

I look down to her baby after I shout, she burst out crying and Katelyn attempts to calm her down.

" Sorry " I said, she sighs.

" Message delivering " she stands and walk away as the baby cries calm down.

I see my brothers and Kawaii-chan look at me with their mouthful and the others are staring along with some people, I roll my eyes away and got up from the chair, I pick up my jacket on the chair, toss it over my shoulder and walk away.

I head over to the spot where's there's some wooden house with roofs, there's windows and door but nothing to block them, it's where we all have been sleeping for the past weeks while we try to make some money to get more supplies. This planet is completely abandoned, we even look through the galaxy maps, we're off the grid.

I walk pass a door and hear giggles and laughter, I step back and see Gina lying on the mattress with Claire and Alana.

" The butterfly then flown up to the sky and free from the hungry cat " Gina said makes a shadow figure with her hand and Claire giggles with Alana laughing.

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