[ Chapter 79 : Champs-Elysées ]

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*play song*

Y/n's pov.  

I adjust my jacket and pull down the rolled up sleeves to hide the bandages.

" I haven't seen Laurence all day " I said as I put on my prosthetic.

" Maybe he's caught up with something, he'll get here " Fleur said as she holds Rosalie who's observing everything.

" Maybe " I said and stand up from the bed to get used to the feeling of the prosthetic.

" Do you want to wait for him? " She asked, I shake my head and she passes Rosalie to me.

" No it's okay, he'll get to the house " I said and Rosalie grabs my hair, she tugs on it lightly.

" Y/n " Fleur gestures behind me and I turn around.

Laurence walks in with a bag of food and can of soda.

" Hey, your awake " he said as he set them down.

" Yeah, I'm ready to go home " I said.

" Go home? " He asked, I nodded.

" Natalie said I'm good to go " I said.

" Are you sure?, You must've heard her wrong " he takes my arms pull up my sleeve to see the bandages.

" I'm fine, Laurence " I said.

" No, where is she? " He walks away.

" Laurence! " Fleur said and I pass Rosalie to her.

" Go " she said.

" Laurence! " I catch up to him down the hallway.

He doesn't listen to me and obviously pissed, he then opens the door to Natalie's office by punching the door button. I stand by the door as he enter, there we see Garroth and Natalie talking by the table and Laurence scoff.

" Why the hell did you discharge Y/n? "

" Laurence, I'm in the middle of a session– "

" She held a gun to her head!, Cut herself up!, I had to commit her against her will! " He said.

" And you just clear her to go?, What the hell kind of doctor are you?! " Laurence asked.

Natalie looked at me and Laurence turns to me too.

" It's okay, you can talk to him " I said.

" I'll come back " Garroth stands up then leave the room.

He and I smile at each other before paying attention to Natalie standing up and switch on the tablet, she gives it to Laurence.

" What is this? "

" Psych put her on heavy doses of antipsychotics and benzos, and then she slept for almost fifty hours straight " Natalie said and Laurence scroll through the notes on the tablet.

" When she woke up she was no longer a risk to herself or others, she has PTSD but for her it cause severe sleep deprivation and it led to a breakdown "

" All she needed was sleep, and protocol was to clear her so she's good to go " she said.

" See? " I asked, Laurence looks at the tablet screen and give it back to Natalie.

" I'm okay " I said.

Laurence turns to me.

" Are you sure? " He asked, I nodded.

He sighs and leave the room and pulling me away as Natalie shut the door, I look at him when he turns me around then have his arms around me, tightly.

" I'm okay " I reassure him by caressing his arm.

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