Knowing Each Other.

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Ryder woke up to SAM drilling her brain out, he was forcing her to wake up. "Pathfinder," he sternly says for the fifth time. Ryder's eyes struggle to open, she looks over, Reyes is still sleeping.

"What SAM?" she asks in agitation. She sits up, Reyes wakes up as well, feeling the bed shift. He scoots across the bed to hold her.

"Cora is trying to contact you, she says it's urgent. I tried to prevent her from contacting you, but the word no was not enough," he explains through her omni-tool. She and Reyes look at each other, she groans but calls Cora.

"Ryder?!" Cora shouts through the vid call. "Where are you? We have been worrying all night." Cora seems to pause, she could see Reyes' arm around Ryder. "Who's that?"

"A friend," Ryder lazily replies, rubbing her eyes. Reyes chuckled from behind her, he trails kisses up her arm. "Can this wait? I have stuff to do today."

"No, you're the Pathfinder, you can't just disappear all night. Are you sneaking off to sleep with some outlaw?" Reyes felt Ryder tense up, she scrunched her face up.

"Cora, shut the fuck up. I'm the Pathfinder, yes. Meaning I can do whatever the fuck I want. Who I sleep with is my business, don't question my personal life. Now go back to doing whatever plant growing shit you were doing and leave me alone," Ryder shouts over the vid before hanging up. She drops her head into her hands.

Reyes sits up, pulling her to lay into him. "Is she always like this?" he asks. Sara nods against his chest, letting the tears fall down her cheeks.

"She was meant to be Pathfinder, my dad chose me as it was a life or death situation." Reyes pulls her back, lifting her chin and whipping the tears away.

"What exactly happened on Habitat-7?" Reyes had only heard rumours about that mission, but hearing they lost the only known Pathfinder alive was a big hit for the Initiative and their plans of finding a new home.

Ryder sighs, closing her eyes for a moment. Reyes rubs her back. "So we got to the planet, and it turned into a massive shit show where me and Liam's shuttle broke completely in half and I fell from the sky. SAM was able to get my jumpsuit working before I lost contact with him, it was a damn hard landing. I cracked my helmet, luckily I was able to fix it with my omni-tool. I found Liam and we went scooting ahead, one of our crew members got shot by the Kett, so we got into a massive firefight." She remembers how horrible the planet was, they either had to hide from Kett or dodged the shield killing lightning.

"The Kett was the same as when we all got to Heleus, tried attacking the station more than once," Reyes says. He went from being a shuttle pilot for the Initiative to being a soldier. He knew how to use a gun, but he rarely had to use it during his times with the Alliance.

"Well, we found my dad. He ended up finding the base and SAM determined that bringing down the shield and getting to the monolith would stop the storm and get our the last remaining shuttle back to the Ark." Sara wished they could have just left, but the shuttle wouldn't have been able to handle those storms. "It was so bad the mountains were floating."

Reyes chuckles, he'd not seen anything that odd since coming to Andromeda. "Did fixing the monolith sort the storms?" Ryder nods.

"Yes, vaults do a final sweep where once reset a powerful organic killing cloud will destroy anything in its path. Only the remnant are safe from it." Reyes moves his head back in confusion.

"You have outrun a big cloud with every vault you activate?" Ryder nods, to her it was a normal day's work. Reyes didn't like the sound of it, he hated to think Sara was putting her life on the line every day just to save everyone else.

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