Settling in.

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Reyes thought being away wasn't going to be a huge problem, but even with SAM's help getting his emails under control. Keema had bombarded him with issues the second he walked into the Collective HQ.

He currently sat down in his office back home. Ryder was still fast asleep. SAM had taken it upon himself to help with her hormone control as she was sleeping very deeply for it not to affect her sleeping pattern.

"Mr Vidal. I have treated Ryder's hormones and given her a boost in Endorphins. She may feel slightly lightheaded when she wakes up, but it will disappear with time." Reyes looks up at SAM's node, the blue light slowly flickered in the hologram.

"Thank SAM. Also, call me Reyes," he reminds the AI for the sixth time.

"Is there something the matter, Reyes? I detect your stress levels are very high." Reyes sighs, throwing the datapad into the growing pile he had in front of him.

"I thought being away would not be a massive issue, but Keema has struggled with me." He rubs his sore eyes, the headache is getting worse. He grabs his whiskey, downing the rest with some painkillers. Not the best combination, but it was the only thing keeping him sane.

"I believed our work together on the Tempest had put your objectives under control?" Reyes nodded to SAM's words, and so did he.

"There were some things Keema never told me," he explains. SAM doesn't speak after that. Reyes rubs his neck, he needed to get back to work but the sun had already set and he was shattered. "I'm going to try to get some sleep, can you wake me up at 7 am?"

"Of course. Goodnight Reyes," SAM answers. Reyes smiles at the AI, getting up to head to his room.

Sara was sprawled out across the bed. Reyes smiles, stripping himself down to just his boxers. He pushes Sara up, she didn't stir in the slightest as he did. He gets under the warm covers, pulling Ryder back in to lay on his chest.

He thought living with Ryder would be odd, he'd never lived with anyone before leaving home. He was lucky enough to get his own room in the Alliance, but it felt right with Ryder. He found himself drifting off to sleep much quicker than what was normal for him sleeping alone. He never felt such peace before.


Sara woke up at 6 am, she'd somehow slept for nearly fifteen hours, though she knew she needed it. "SAM?"

"Good morning, Ryder. You may feel lightheaded when you stand up. Reyes asked for me to keep you asleep, so I did some changes in your hormone balances. You should feel much better today." Ryder smiles, she looks over to Reyes, he is snoring quietly.

"Thanks, buddy," she replies as she slowly stands up. She finds her legs wobbly slightly, but the room spinning quickly fixes itself as she rushes to the toilet.

Once she relieved herself Ryder headed to the kitchen. She was absolutely starving and wanted to cook something for Reyes. "What time is Reyes getting up?"

"He asked me to wake him at 7 am. He has had some struggles with his operations." Ryder pokes her head out from the fridge, looking down at her omni-tool.

"What do you mean?" she asks SAM.

"He believed the emails we both sorted through would give him some time to collect his thoughts. However, Keema has notified him of multiple issues Kadara is facing." Ryder scrunches her face up, looking annoyed with his words.

"Do you know of any of the problems?" she asks.

"No, however. I can hack his omni-tool to find out, however, I believe that would give Reyes reasons to not trust me." Ryder smiles, at least SAM was being thoughtful of his feelings.

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