The Cargo or Ex?

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"So what exactly is the business you need help with?" Ryder asks as they walk together to Kralla's. Reyes had kept too quiet about it and Sara wanted to know what she was getting herself into.

"A business rival, Zia Cordier. She's a fellow smuggler who always had a stick up her ass about me getting the better jobs." Reyes let Ryder go first through the main doors to get back to the main port. "She lifted cargo for a client I was moving."

"And you want my help getting it back? What do I get out of this?" Ryder asks with some attitude to her question. Reyes looks at her with furrowed brows, and then smirks at her.

"You won't get punished as hard next time?" Ryder shook her head, refusing to move from the spot she currently stood in. Reyes sighs, "fine. We split the profits. 70/30."

Ryder laughs, very loudly as well. "50/50," she says. Reyes moves closer, grabbing the front of her shirt.

"60/40 and I won't make you scream," he growls at her. Ryder felt hot to the cheeks. She slowly nods at him. "Good," he mutters as he lets go. He knew she wasn't scared, but flustered. Ryder was easy to control when he'd already made her scream and beg his name. Though he wouldn't do it if she really was uncomfortable.

"What's the cargo?" Reyes shrugs his shoulders.

"I don't know, the buyer paid extra for the concealment of it. I guess weapons or drugs to say how much I charge," he answers. Ryder rolls her eyes, then looks to see if he caught it, luckily he hadn't.

"You ever thought about going ligament?" Reyes laughs.

"No one goes legit on Kadara, Ryder. I will say I'm a fair smuggler, I don't rip people off. But, no that'd never happen," he explains. They both got to Kralla's they headed down the stairs together. "Zia drinks here all the time. Umi might know something."

They both lean against the bar top, waiting for Umi to finish with her current customer. Reyes couldn't help but stare at Ryder as she bends over the bar. "God, you have a great ass," he whispers.

"It hurts because of you," she mutters back not making eye contact. Umi was far too close to hear. She makes a yuck sound as she walks over.

"You two want a drink or a room?" she asks, crossing her arms over her chest. Reyes leans his hip in the bar, smiling at her.

"Information actually," he says. Umi drops her arms, moving closer.

"That'll cost you more than a round of drinks," he points out. Reyes turns to Ryder, smirking at her and winking.

"My friend here is good for it," he says. Ryder scoffs at him, looking at Umi and then back at him.

"You're such a cheap bastard," she shouts in annoyance. She gets her omni-tool up, sending one hundred credits to Umi. She nods that credits are received.

"I will pay you back, you know that," he winks. Ryder ignores him, looking to Umi. She clears her throat at Reyes who was still gawking at Sara's ass. "Sorry," he whispers. "Zia Cordier, has she been around lately?"

"You mean your ex?" Umi asks, looking at Ryder.

Reyes laughs nervously. "She's your ex?" Ryder asks.

"Ex is such a strong word." He quickly looks back at Umi, "so she," he clears his throat. "Been around here?"

"She was having drinks earlier with some shady Salarian. Maybe it was the Charlatan." Ryder caught Reyes raising his brows in surprise, she wondered if he actually knew who the Charlatan was.

"Anything is possible," he says. "You hear what they spoke about?" Umi nods, crossing her arms again.

"She talked about meeting someone near Spirits Ledge," she answers. Reyes nods and smiles.

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