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The Ark was in a much worse state than even when SAM had described the initial scans. Scott, Jaal, and Liam could board from the one docking bay Kallo found to be in some condition to take the weight of the Tempest clamping on.

"SAM, are there any life signs at all?" Scott asks as they slowly walk through the main cryo bay. It would be where the Pathfinder team and most of the crew were sleeping. Their mag boots clamped them down hard, there were multiple hull leaks in the ship and the magnetic field used to protect from outside tradition was doing very little to keep them safe.

"Only from the stasis pods, however, they are very diminished. I need a terminal to access if the stasis protocols are still in place." Jaal was looking at the pile of bodies he'd found in the far corner of the med bay, they were almost completely frozen solid. Most likely from a hull leak that froze them instantly.

"Scott," Liam calls from one terminal with some life in it. He walks over, connecting his omni-tool to the terminal which sparks in response.

"Jesus," Scott groans. SAM started to work through the terminal, the data coming through on his omni-tool. "Is this information correct, SAM?" he asks with some concern.

"Yes, Pathfinder." The data wasn't good in the slightest. The multiple species on the Ark had taken a huge hit in numbers, there weren't many left.

"What is the issue?" Jaal asks.

"The species numbers, they are way too low from what was originally here when leaving the Milky Way," Scott explains. He sighed to himself, thinking how would he explain this to Sara who was waiting for any news at all.

"How many are left?" Liam wondered.

SAM brings up the list of species meant to be on the Ark. "The Ark was to hold over thirty-five thousand souls on board. ten thousand Quairan, now six thousand. Drell, Hanar, Elcor, Batarian, and Volus were to have five thousand each, however, their numbers are all under two thousand."

Liam looked at Scott, his mouth agape in shock. "So you're telling me all these species have lost over half their population? How in hell did that happen?"

"I can only speculate, but many seem dead in stasis. The Ark has lost too much power and the life signs of those remaining are not good." Scott closes his omni-tool.

"Is it enough to keep their population up?" Jaal asks.

"I can not answer at this moment. I need more information on who is alive, family, genetic readings, and genders to formulate my conclusion," SAM replies. Scott knew this Ark had to leave later than the others, It had carried the most amount of souls on it. Complications were to arise, however, nearly all these species could slowly die out if there isn't enough diversity amongst them.

"We need to find their Pathfinder," Liam calls as he walks over to the stasis pods. "SAM, is she in any of them?"

"You will need to scan each one. Ship systems are too damaged to get a precise result." Liam could be heard groaning, wiping his gloved hand over his helmet.

"This is going to take hours." Jaal and Scott join him at the head of the masses of stasis pods. "Come on, let's split up," Scott calls as he begins scanning each pod closest to him. Jaal and Liam split up to take a corner each.


Sara and Ellen had patiently waited for any news from the Ark. Reyes had to return to work and promised to check in on them later. Sara couldn't sit still, her mind was racing, her worst fear was the Ark had been destroyed and nothing was left of it.

"Sara, settle down," Ellen calls from her seat. She'd also been worried, but knew constantly thinking on the topic at hand wouldn't make them get an answer any sooner.

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