A New Pathfinder.

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"Ryder, thank you for coming," Addison says as she and other Initiative leaders turn to see Sara walk in. She was pissed Tann refused her request to have Reyes there. "He is not part of the Nexus." Were his words exactly.

Reyes stayed on the Tempest, helping the crew with his own work under control by SAM.

"I didn't get much of a choice," Ryder snarkily says as she sits across from everyone. Tann, Kandros, Addison and Kesh were all there. Moshae Sjefa should be part of the meeting, but Evfra had demanded to take her place. He was still a few hours out from arriving at the Nexus, that didn't mean Tann would wait for him.

"I have called you here today to answer the accusations for your stunt pulled on the Remnant Station. You act alone, without counselling myself or the others." Ryder hated how contradicting he was being. The Salarian sat straight and rigid, she wanted to fly across the table at him.

"It wasn't a stunt, Tann. Stop the political bullshit for two seconds," Sara shouts in agitation. Her leg shook under the table, she was furious.

"We should let Ryder give her reasons why she did it," Kesh says. Ryder smiles at her, she had always gotten along with the Krogan. Kesh always had her back when the others tried to turn away from her.

"I don't see why I need to explain myself, I did what I thought was right. You couldn't have done it without me or SAM anyway. Why should I wait for you all to argue about if it should be done or not? We need to contact home, we have to let them know we are here." Kandros' mandibles twitched at her.

"You can not send a message without it being approved by us first," he snaps at her. Sara glares at him.

"Last time I checked, Kandros. You work fucking security, I'm the Pathfinder," she shoots back at him. He looks at Tann, shaking his head in agitation. "This happened back in the Milky Way, the leader argued all the damn time. Not considering the words spoken by those around them. You have not fought this war as I have."

"Ryder," Addison softly speaks. "We appreciate what you have done for us. We will forever be in your debt, but these things cannot go under the books. There is protocol here."

"Did protocol say Tann can rip the Remnant station for all it had? Use the technology for our own gain." The whole table fell silent as all eyes drifted to Tann, he sighs at Ryder. "Don't fucking do that," she shouts. "You took the Remnant station for yourself. I ordered work to be stopped the moment I found out."

Tann's eyes snap up at her. "You cannot do that, Pathfinder," he says with a long pointed finger.

"Yes, I can. Did you forget SAM controls the Remnant there? He can stop it all by my say so. Don't test me, Tann." Addison grunts under her breath.

"Ryder, you have to stop using SAM to your advantage. You can't always have your way," she snaps at her.

"SAM is mine, he's my partner and connected to me. You use him and expect me to be fine with it. I demand the work be stopped and research only be conducted to help understand the station." They all look at each other. Sara wasn't backing down.

"Tann, why did you think you could do this?" Kesh asks. The others knew nothing about Tann forcing the workers to strip the Remnant of its valuable resources.

The line of eyes goes down to Tann who was glaring at Sara from across him. He was pissed at being found out, but Sara didn't care. She hated the Salarian more and more. He had to go, being head of the Initiative was not suited for him. "We need every advantage we can take to make Heleus our home."

"Why the fuck did I give you five golden worlds for then?! We are finding more each week, stop rushing this," Sara shouts as she stands up. Her fists were deep into the grey marble table.

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