Something New.

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"Pathfinder, slow down," SAM warns as he senses the elevated heart rate and Ryder practically rampaging through Kadara port to get to the lift. Sara had thought long and hard about this on the Tempest, talking to herself and asking SAM for his input too many times to count. She needed to find Reyes before she chickened out and changed her mind for the fourth time trying to leave her room.

Sara had granted the ship two days of shore leave. Cora questioned it, but Ryder nearly ran off the ship as she informed them all. "I just need to get there before I change my mind," she says out loud. A few Outcast members looked at her funnily.

It was just thinking about it, she got way too excited about it. She got to the lift, slamming the button to head to the Tartarus. She didn't know if Reyes was even there, he told her to come in the evening, but it was barely sundown yet.

"Do you think Mr Vidal would reject your offer?" SAM asks through her omni-tool, them both now being alone.

"Yes, I do. I'm the Pathfinder, who'd want to do that with someone when I work for the people he hates?" SAM didn't reply. He left Ryder alone, being supportive of her decision as it's a good way to relieve stress. He did point out she couldn't let this get in the way of her fight to stabilize Kadara. The team was due to move out in a couple of days to sort the monoliths out. The sulfuric acid lakes shouldn't be doing forming across the surface of the planet. The vault was obviously not working on this planet and Ryder needed to fix it.

She got to the slums, heading straight for Tartarus. There was another body down there, again being looted. Ryder thought about it but decided to leave them to it. She wasn't in the mood to argue. Tartarus was still the same dark, smelly and smoked out joint she remembered seeing.

She knocks on Reye's door, it took a moment but it finally opened for her. "Pathfinder?" he announces in surprise. There was an Asari sitting next to him, she looked like some sort of hooker.

"Am I interrupting?" Ryder defensively asks as she throws her arms over her chest. The Asari chuckles, placing a hand on Reyes's leg which he quickly shakes off and stands up.

"Can you leave us, Janelle?" he asks, keeping a steady glare on Ryder. He could almost sense she needed something urgent. The Asari almost looks offended but does as Reyes asks. Brushing past Sara as she leaves. You are early," he says.

Ryder just stares at him for a minute, she should really speak to him first. But she felt her feet drag her across the room as she stopped inches from him, her hands on his cheeks. Reyes looks purely shocked, not expecting this at all. Ryder finally takes the leap and brushes her lips on his.

Reyes doesn't hold back, quickly pushing her against the wall, hands possessively squeezing her waist. They both kissed each other with hunger, their tongues fighting for dominance. Ryder knew it was stupid, but she just couldn't help herself. She wanted to have sex with the guy she only met three days prior.

Reyes breaks the kiss, running his soft lips across her jaw and neck. Ryder leans her head back against the cold metal wall. She was on cloud nine. Reyes moves his hand from her waist to her ass, squeezing before picking her up with ease and slamming her into the wall. Ryder grunts at the impact, loving every second of it.

They both continue to kiss and lightly nip each other until Reyes turns to walk back to his couch. Laying Ryder down to pull her trousers down. She was too impatient, it'd been too long and she just needed this release. "Just fuck me, Reyes," she cries in frustration as he slowly kisses her thighs.

"Guau, why are you so rushed for this?" he asks looking up at her with glazed eyes. He looked like a predator ready to devour their well-earned kill. Ryder looked at him, her eyes drifted to the bulge that was hidden under his trousers.

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