The Rules.

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Cora was in the canteen eating her breakfast when Ryder walks in, she smiles at her before turning her back to grab some coffee. "You're in a good mood," she comments when she hears Ryder humming to herself.

Sara turns around, leaning against the counter to sip the warm liquid. "I'm just happy today," she replies. It was true, she woke up with no headache or backache. SAM even saw a massive drop in her stress levels. It seemed the day prior with Reyes did really help her.

Cora raises a brow at her, but drops the subject and finishes her sloppy porridge. The food was still bland as hell in Andromeda, but Drack did his best. "Why did you want the crew to have two days of shore leave? Surely we should concentrate on fixing Kadara's vault."

Ryder pauses with her cup to her lips. "I just needed a break, Cora. Don't worry, we will get straight on it tomorrow," she replies. Cora stands up, glaring at her before slightly raising her voice.

"We can't afford shore leave. Tann would not approve." Ryder quickly felt the stress return, she was pissed off at that point. Cora had an issue with constantly questioning her decisions, being shitty about Alec giving the Pathfinder role to Ryder and not her, which was what was intended to happen.

"I don't give a flying fuck what Tann thinks. If I want us to have shore leave, we are having it. Remember who's in charge, Cora," Ryder all but snarls at her. Both women stand in a lock on glare with each other.

Cora sighs, throwing her plate in the sink and stalking off. Ryder hated her sometimes, she's always had a stick up her ass about not having the Pathfinder job. "SAM, tell the crew they can have tomorrow morning as shore leave as well. We will sort the vault in the afternoon."

Her AI partner takes a moment to respond. "Are you sure, Ryder?" Sara smirks, bobbing her head.

"Sure, I like to piss off Cora just a little bit more." SAM takes a moment to reply as he lets the whole crew know.

"Done, Pathfinder," he says. Ryder smirks, leaving the ship to see Sloan, she needed to see what the woman might have to say about getting a colony on Kadara. She was hoping to find the Charlatan, thinking whoever it was might help them. But not even SAM knew where to start in finding them. All terminals they came across were wiped so clean, no traces could be found on addresses or omni-tool I.Ps.


Ryder had stopped a few times along the way to Outcast HQ, helping some of the local residents and offering to find the different things they'd lost in the Badlands. She had a long list of stuff to do tomorrow.

Kaetus, Sloans main man, was standing outside her door. He quickly stops her from taking one step closer. "What do you want, Pathfinder?" his thick voice rumbles.

"I need to see you, boss. I promise to be on my best behaviour," she says with a wink. Kaetus's mandibles are held tight to his cheeks, not impressed with her words.

"Don't make me regret this," he mumbles as he leads her inside.

"Don't worry, I won't embarrass you again, big guy," she says, patting his shoulder. Kaetus pushed her further from him, making sure Sloan sees. The woman was sitting on her throne, leaning against the headrest as she typed at the arms terminal. "The Pathfinder wishes to see you," he says as he moves away to let Ryder come closer.

"What do you want this time? Come to steal more prisoners from me?" Ryder chuckles, leaning on her hip.

"Come on, your majesty. You don't know that was me," she replies. Sloan quivers her lip at her. "But, no. I need to know what I can do to get an outpost on Kadara?"

Sloan laughs, shaking her head. "Why would I allow that?"

"Because tomorrow I'll be fixing this planet's vault making it actually habitable. Why shouldn't I just let consume this planet and destroy it with all of you on it?" Ryder confidently asks, crossing her arms over her chest. Sloan looks at Kaetus, looking far from impressed.

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