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Reyes pulled Ryder into her room, making sure the door was locked behind her. He turns, grabbing her waist and pushing her against the wall as their lips clash. Ryder wraps her arms around his neck, pulling him as close as she could.

His tongue ran over her lips, pushing for deeper access. Ryder obliges, letting him deepen the kiss as his tongue works wonders. Reyes really was good with his mouth, she thought to herself.

They both started to awkwardly shuffle towards the bed, Ryder ended up tripping down the step and had to hold Reyes's jacket to stop her from falling. "Shit," she mutters as he wraps his arms around her waist to pull her back up.

"I've got you," he whispers, going back to kissing her jaw and neck. Ryder moans, letting her fingers run through his perfectly shaped hair. He got back to moving towards the bed, once he felt her stop with her legs against the frame, he pushed her onto it.

"Easy, tiger," she jokes as he takes his jacket off and climbs on top of her. Reyes smirks, kissing her neck and starts to roll her top up. Ryder fumbles with his belt, undoing it and the buttons to his jeans.

"You're more eager than me," he points out. Ryder just grumbles, biting his lip lightly. He placed a hand on her cheek, rubbing his thumb over her cheekbone. They both almost freeze as they stare at each other. "You're beautiful, Ryder," he mutters.

"You're so soppy," she jokes. Reyes smirks, nodding to that statement. He pulls her up to get her shirt off, then professionally unhooks her bra. With her clothes thrown off the bed, he almost growls at the sight of her hard nipples before taking one between his lips. Ryder throws her head back as she moans loudly.

Reyes uses his free hand to massage the other he wasn't giving full attention to. He bit down lightly, and then pulled without causing too much discomfort. Ryder put her hands under his top, digging her nails into his back. Reyes had to bite back a deep moan as it almost drew blood, he loved it, however.

"Are you going to punish me?" Ryder asks as Reyes pulls away. He gets off the bed, taking the rest of his clothes off, keeping a steady look at her.

"No, you need spoiling right now. I shall worship your body," he huskily replies. Ryder physically shivers, she watches him strip down to just his boxers. His dick was hard underneath, she licked her lips staring at it.

Reyes grabs her hips, sliding her down the bed as she squeals in laughter. He pulls her shoes off before aggressively pulling her trousers down. Ryder lifted her hips to help, looking at him breathlessly. He then almost crawls over her, pulling on her thigh to rest over his shoulder.

"Ryder, you're so wet," he comments, staring at the patch of wetness through her pants. She can only moan in reply, he carefully pulls her pants to the side, using his index finger to massage her labia.

"Reyes," she moans, bucking her hips at him. Reyes holds her hip down and then starts to massage her swollen clit. He added his tongue right after, which Ryder lost all control of herself. He had to hold her down as she bucked and moaned under him.

"Easy, Ryder," he groans. He pushes a finger inside her, using his thumb to circle her clit. He starts slowly, feeling her wet walls engulf his burning off fingers. "You're so wet," he growls.

"I---" Ryder can barely speak, she clamps her leg down on Reyes, almost making him go headfirst into her pelvis as her orgasm took her. "Reyes!" she cries, her thighs shook and her hips rolled against his fingers.

Reyes pulls his hand out, feeling her wetness across his fingers. He uses it as a lube over his dick as he pulls himself higher, pulling Ryder's hands from her covered face and his dick easily slots inside her. Ryder wraps her legs around his ass, pulling him down further.

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