An Understanding.

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Reyes ended up going to Tartarus when the sun was slowly setting over the port. He just knew if he went back home it would be more arguments and stress. He hated upsetting Ryder, but she defied his wishes that his work stayed away from her. He did wish for her help, but not in matters that could put his job and their safety on the line.

He'd ordered Keema to gather all the Collective members that were once part of the Outcasts; he had to make sure there were no more snakes between his operations. He couldn't afford for this to happen again. If SAM was not there to warn Reyes, Ryder could have been killed.

"Mr Vidal," Kian calls in his chipper Irish voice. "Thought you forgot about us grunts," he jokes.

Reyes sits at his bar, leaning into the corner so he could hear Kian better over the loud music and screaming drinkers. "I never could forget you. My usual please," he says with a smile. Kian nods, bending under the bar to get the bottle of whiskey labelled only for Reyes.

"So," Kian begins as he pours a glass. "Heard you and Ryder came back home, how come she's not here?" The silent reply from Reyes gave Kian all the information he needed. "Ah, trouble in paradise?"

Reyes nods, downing his drink and moving the glass forward for another. "We clash too much. She doesn't like being told what to do." Kian can only chuckle, which makes Reyes furrow his brows at him. He pauses from cleaning the beer glass in his hand.

"Oh come on, man," he shouts in laughter. "Did you forget who her father was? Alec Ryder? Everyone in the Initiative who met the man knew he was fucking stubborn. His kids are the exact same."

Reyes had met Alec once, but not long enough to get that opinion about the man. He knew of Sara and Scott at the time but just regarded them as two spoiled kids from the Citadel. "Well, she has to get used to our ways here."

"Why should she?" Kian asks. Reyes bangs his drinks down.

"Kian, you're meant to be taking my side here," he groans as he drops his head into his hands. Kian leans over the bar, patting his friend's tensed shoulders.

"Reyes," he says in a low voice, just enough for him to look up to his name being called. "You need to remember what Ryder has been through. I heard about her losing the Pathfinder role. That has got to be a kick in the teeth for her. She's only been here a day, give her a chance."

Reyes nods, he never really thought about letting Ryder fully settle in. She just lost her ship and crew hours ago. She only had him and SAM left. He gets up, curtly nodding to Kian before squeezing past the dancers to get out. He had to fix this.


"Ryder, maybe you should contact Scott?" SAM suggests as he tries to soothe Sara. She was laid on the bed, curled into a little ball as she quietly cried to herself.

"And say what SAM? I still can't forgive him for taking my job from me. He knew how much it meant to me," she cries. Her eyes stung from the tears and her arm was aching from the fight with Layland. She did hope Reyes killed the bitch.

"Ryder?" Reyes calls from the front door. She instantly sits up, wiping her eyes as the door could be heard shutting. "Dove?" he calls again.

Sara doesn't answer, she stays on the bed. He'd come straight to the room, knowing that'd be where she'd be. He opens the door, peeking his head through to see her sit with her knees to her chest, glaring at him. "Dove?" he calls again in a soft voice.

"I'm not your dove," she snaps. Reyes shakes his head, fully coming into the room as he strolls toward the bed. Ryder holds herself tighter.

"I'm sorry for speaking to you like that," he whispers as he tries to reach for her. She pulls back. "Ryder, please?" he begs. She gets off the bed, he thinks she's coming to hug him, but their shoulders brush.

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