The Truth.

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"Pathfinder," SAM says for the third time, waking Ryder up. She rolls over in the bed, groaning to the voice ringing in her ears.

"Someone better be dying, SAM," he mumbles. She opened her eyes, Reyes was facing her. He was still sleeping.

"Sloan wishes to see you right now, she isn't taking no for an answer," he explains. Ryder gets to her feet, stretching her body out as she grabs her clothes. She looks at Reyes one last time, deciding to send him a message that she'd come back after she dealt with Sloan.

"Tell her I'll be in ten minutes," she says heading to the bathroom to get changed.


The Outcast HQ was empty, with not one guard insight. Just Sloan sat on her throne, she looked tired and angry. "Sloan?" Ryder says as she approaches. "Where is everyone?" she asks, looking around.

"I told them all to fuck off. I needed to be alone," snarkily says. Ryder leans on her hip, smiling slightly.

"Well you just called me here, so you know, great job," she mocks with two thumbs up.

Sloan scoffs at her. "I'm not in the mood for your game, Ryder. The Charlatan has made a move against me. Paid my own people to beat Kaetus, he's alive... barely." Ryder's face drops, now realising why Sloan was so upset.

"Sloan... I'm so sorry. I know how much he meant to you," she quietly says. Sloan waves her off.

"I don't care for your pity. The Charlatan left me a message, they want to meet me." Ryder shakes her head.

"It'll be a trap," she quickly comments.

Sloans smiles, waving her hand in annoyance. "You think? I can barely trust my own people, but you. You're an outsider. You can come with me, cover my ass if shit goes down.

"I don't wanna get involved in Kadara's shitty business. Tann would be pissed if he finds out as well." Sloan laughs sarcastically at her.

"I don't care what Tann thinks. He's a dick anyway. If you want your little outpost, you'd come with me." Ryder looked at the floor, she really had no choice. Kadara was the last place to get an outpost and it was taking the longest to sort. Ryder nods as she looks up.

"Fine, but we do this my way. When is the meeting?" Sloan stands up, stopping just short of a few feet from Ryder.

"I don't know yet, just the location. We are to wait on a time." Ryder nods, turning around to leave. She wasn't going to take any of her crew, this was her business. They didn't need dragging into something that she barely wanted to be a part of.


Reyes slowly opens his eyes, his arm reaches for the empty space next to him. He quickly looks up, seeing the bed empty. "Ryder?" he calls. With no answer, he sits up and opens his omni-tool, seeing the first message from Ryder.

To: Reyes Vidal.

From: Sara Ryder.


Sloan asked to see me, she sounds desperate. I'll come back when I'm done with her.

Love you,

Sara x.

Reyes panics, he tries to call Sara and SAM but neither answers. He then calls Keema, she answers after the first call.

"Reyes, where the hell have you been? We've been waiting for you to sort Sloan out." Reyes was running around his apartment, getting his armour on.

"I overslept. Have you sorted Kaetus?" Keema rolls her eyes at him on the vid call.

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