A New Adventures.

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A/N: I decided to add a bit of fun to the story. Let Ryder be the Queen of Kadara as Vetra called her. I will still be going on the line of getting rid of Tann. A small adventure could be good for Sara and SAM.

Sara rampaged through the ship, ignoring everyone who asked if she was okay. Reyes was hot on her heels. He could only offer short words of reasons for why Sara was like this. He was furious with Scott, how he could do this to his own damn sister?

"SAM," Sara cries as she finally makes it to her room. She ends up falling to her knees.

"Yes, Sara," her AI asks from his small node.

"You won't do it? Please, don't leave me," she cries. Reyes had come in, locking the door behind him as he fell behind her and pulled her trembling body into his chest.

"I will not leave you, Sara," SAM reassures her, Sara can only cry. Reyes soothed her. Rocking them both on the hardwood floor. "Sara, Scott is wishing to enter."

"Scott, not now," Reyes shouts.

"Just let me in," Scott calls, pounding the door down. Reyes pulls Sara back, pulling her chin up to look at him.

"I can send him away?" Sara shakes her head, she gets up. Brushing her uniform down and sorting her tear-stained face out.

"Let him in," she sniffles. "Give us a minute, please," she quietly adds.

Reyes unlocks the door, and Scott walks in. He stops just short of standing shoulder to shoulder with Reyes as he looks at Sara and Reyes glares at him. "I will be right outside," he says to Sara before brushing past Scott. "Don't make this worse," he threatens.

Scott just looks at the ground as Reyes leaves and the door shuts once again. "Big sis," he tries to speak but Sara laughs sarcastically at him.

"Don't you dare fucking do that. Don't act like a brother when you just threw me under the bus like that," she shouts with a pointed finger. "How could you do that?"

"I didn't have a choice," Scott mumbles.

"Really? Did Tann hold a gun to your head?" she asks as she walks towards her desk. She leans on it as she looks down at SAM's hologram.

"Well... no, but..." She doesn't give him a chance to continue.

"Exactly. You fucking accepted without thinking of me. You were willing to take everything I built away." She turns her head to look over her shoulder. "You aren't taking SAM, either," she adds with a growl.

"I don't want SAM," Scott yells.

"Good, because he is mine. Dad gave him to me and I'm not giving him up for anything." Scott never understood why Sara was so protective of SAM. Maybe because she was so alone for a long time and SAM was her only shoulder to... lean on? Scott wouldn't understand the connection without being in his sister's shoes.

"Just listen to me. I have my reasons for accepting, I don't want it. But it's to protect you," Scott explains as he moves closer.

"I don't need protection. I did just fine when you were in Cryo and dad was dead," she blurts out in anger. Scott takes a step back, and they both glare at each other.

"You're just upset," he quietly states.

"I'm fucking fuming, Scott. What am I meant to do now? Are you going to take my ship and crew now?" Scott remained silent. "Oh my god," she laughs. "You fucking are? How could you?!" she yells throwing a datapad at him.

"Stop it, Sara. You have dad's temper," he says dodging another datapad being thrown at him.

"Sara, please calm down. Your heart rate is severely elevated," SAM points out.

"Get Reyes back in here, SAM," she orders, turning to look back at him. The door opens just a second later and Reyes storms back in.

"Enough," he says, pushing Scott out. "You aren't helping this situation."

"She can't be on the ship from tomorrow afternoon. Tann has given her the evening to cool down then leave." Scott knew he sounded like a massive jerk, but he really was doing all this to protect Sara. He just needed her away from the Nexus and Initiative for a while. He wanted to find a way to get Sara back as Pathfinder, but Tann needed to go before he could do that.

Sara can only look at him, her body shook as the room fell silent. "Twenty-three years, just for you to take the Salarian's side," she whispers. Reyes looks at her, his heart broke at the state she currently looked in.

"Dove," he mumbles. Scott can only shake his head, turning around and leaving with his head hung low.

"Reyes," she cries. He rushes to her, holding her tightly as she wails loudly.

"Hush, dove. It will be okay," he soothes. He didn't know if it would be, but he had to be strong for her.

"What do I do now?" she asks, hiccuping from the struggle of trying to breathe.

"Come with me?" he offers. Sara pauses, pulling herself back to look at him with furrowed brows. Reyes brushes her hair behind her ear, "come to Kadara with me. You can help me, SAM can help as well."

"I... I don't know," she says, pulling completely back and turning around to hold herself.

"Why not?" he asks from over her shoulder. "You cannot stay here and do you really want to live on the Nexus when Tann is there every day?"

"I guess not. How would it work?" she asks, turning around to look up at him. Her eyes were bloodshot to hell. Reyes cups her cheek.

"I have many different affairs to attend to in Kadara. You can help me keep the peace, even look after your outpost. Tann can't take that away from you." He pulls her waist into him. "Think of it as a vacation."

Sara laughs, placing her palms on his chest. "I guess I can give it a shot. Can we leave now? I can't stay here any longer."

"Of course, let me contact Keema. I'll have a passage ready for us in the next hour." He kisses her forehead before leaving the room to call Keema.

Sara turns to look at her desk. "Ready for a new adventure SAM?"

"With you Sara, always," he happily replies.

"Thank you for standing by me, you really are my best friend, SAM." She picks up his AI core, it was heavy but manageable.

"I will always be by your side, Sara. I am here to protect you... just as your father wished I did." Sara smiles, placing the node back down. She went to pack, smirking to know there would be something new out there waiting for her. She wanted nothing more than to stay as the Pathfinder. But Scott took that from her, she didn't know if she'd ever forgive him for that.

He was her brother, she'd always love him for that. But right now, she could only feel betrayal and the words of her father plagued her mind. "Family is everything," Alec said each time they saw him. Maybe Scott never listened? Or cared?

A/N: This is only a short one, just to get us jump-started to Kadara. Until next time! 

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