Battlefield Flirting.

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Ryder, Jaal and Liam all went to the Krogan's home. it was a neat little place, though being the Badlands you'd have to be tough to live out there. The Korgan had died in a bad way, his front plates were torn open and he bled to death. Whoever did it wanted to send a message.

Luckily they were pretty shit at hiding evidence. Ryder was very quickly able to find a trail of footprints that only matched Angara's and just outside the door was a knife. Angaran made as well, this had Roekaar written all over it.

"Bingo! Good work SAM," she praises her AI. "Reyes, it's Ryder. Found a knife and tracks that lead to it. Covered in Angaran prints."

"Well, SAM and you of course did pull through," he huskily says through her comms. The whole team could hear him, Jaal and Liam both smirked at Ryder. She hated them both sometimes. "I think I know where they might be hiding. I'll send you the coordinates."

"Don't go in without us!" she shouts down her mic. She could hear him chuckling.

"Don't worry, pequeña paloma. I can take care of myself," he whispers before hanging up. Liam could be heard chuckling as they walked back to the Nomad.

"Does he know you speak Spanish?" Ryder shakes her head. Reyes had called her little dove, obviously a pet name he liked for her.

"I'm waiting for the perfect moment to let him know I know," she slyly replies. They got back into the Nomad and headed to the coordinates. It was a rundown shack they drove to, far into the Badlands. They did find the perfect place for an outpost as they drove. SAM marked it for when they might be able to colonize it.

The shack was well hidden, it looked as if no one even lived there. The three of them walked in, the first room had some crates and a door that seemed to lead deep into the weak bedrock. "Where is he?" Ryder whispers as they walk slowly, guns at the ready.

"You like him," Liam sings in laughter. Even Jaal grunted in agreement. Ryder turned to defend herself but the doors across from them opened. Three Angara run out, armoured to the teeth.

"Don't move," one orders. All three of them holster their guns and hold their hands up. It was the only one to get led deeper inside and find the leader. "Come with us, Farrah will deal with you."

They all led downstairs into a cave that had been built into. About fifteen other Angara are down there. Some stood guard, others were sparring together. A female walks between them all, obviously Farrah. She stops in front of them, Ryder keeps her arms out wide, ready to use her biotics if she had to.

"I don't need to tell you what happens next," Farrah's opening statement is. Ryder rolls her eyes, dropping her arms to her hips.

"Hun, it's not that hard to guess. You're going to try and kill me and my friends. At least be kind enough to let me ask some questions first," she says with no attempt to hide her stale mood. Farrah shakes her head.

"No, you come onto our planets, take what you want. You must pay for it!" she shouts in anger. Jaal looked at her, he knew who she was. His mother was close to her own, they both played together as children.

"Farrah, don't be like this," he says to try to calm the situation. Farrah looks at him in surprise.

"You side with the monsters, Jaal?" Ryder kicks the dirt from under her boots.

"We aren't all monsters. You've met the bad side of our species," Ryder tries to reason with her. Farrah holds her knife up, the exact same thing they found at the Krogan's home. "Also you're pretty terrible at leaving evidence around."

"Enough! You will die," she says as she leans the knife towards Sara. She then cries in pain, "what!" she shouts looking at the stairs behind them. Reyes was running down them, gun in hand he'd used to shoot the knife from her grasp.

"Not so fast!" she says as he gets down low next to Ryder. She can only stand still, arms crossed in agitation.

"You're late," she scolds him. Jaal and Liam get into cover. Reyes looks up at her smirking as Farrah starts to shout orders to her men.

"I've got a good reason, you'll find out in...three."

"Don't just stand there!" she shouts as she points at them.


"Kill them." She's cut off when the explosion behind her kills off some of her men. Ryder takes the opportunity to grab a rifle from the floor as she roles into position. Farrah had grabbed her own pistol and went to attack her. "DIE!" she screams.

Fighting by Reyes was actually fun for Ryder, they both made a good team. She was able to use her biotics to pull the Angara from their hiding spots as Reyes would overload or hack their shields. It didn't take her long to realize he was an Infiltrator, tasked with hacking and overloading abilities. He even loaded armour for Ryder and the crew.

"You move like a predator stalking its prey," he flirts as Ryder jumps behind the same crate as him. Jaal used his sniper to pick off those in the back of the cave. The sharpshooters were no match for him.

"You're not bad yourself. You handle that gun in your hands very well," Sara flirts back. Liam scoffed at them both.

"My hands are good at many things," he says as he overloads the shields to Farrah.

"I might have to find out first hand," Sara says before biotically charging Farrah, killing her on impact.

"Can you two wait till we are done!" Liam shouts in agitation. Ryder forgot she left her crew radio on, she groaned in embarrassment. But they all concentrated on finishing the last of the Angara which didn't take long at all.

Once they were done, they all headed back up and checked around for any materials or guns worth taking. They didn't find much past some new gun mods that Vetra might be able to use. Ryder was at the top of the stairs first, Reyes was walking up beside Jaal. "The streets of Kadara are safe again, you did good, Ryder," he says, stopping barely inches from her side. His eyes roamed her body and the tight Asari commando armour she currently wore. It hugged her curves perfectly.

"We make a good team," she whispers in reply. Reyes smirks at her, bringing his lips close to hers.

"Careful, I might think you like me," he whispers. Liam and Jaal both quickly leave, they felt too awkward to watch this exchange. Ryder felt her eyelids nearly flutter shut as she moved closer.

Reyes however pulls back, smirking at her. "Would that be a bad thing?" she asks. Disappointed he pulled back from her. She felt her brain going off in all directions, she was so confused with her emotions.

"Depends, don't be a stranger, Sara," he says in a husky voice. Her name being called made her shiver. She never felt so sexually frustrated until she met Reyes. It'd been six hundred-odd years since she last had sex and Jesus she missed it.

"Reyes, wait," she says, pulling him back. He stops and looks down at her. "I... never mind," she quickly says, changing her mind.

"You sure? You look like you really need to ask me something?" he almost seemed to know what she wanted, but wanted to hear it from her lips.

"No, it's okay. I'll come by Tartarus tonight. Drinks are on you," she quickly adds as they both head to the door.

"I promise to be the perfect gentleman, till then pequeña paloma," he says before going to his shuttle. He gives her one last wink before taking off from the ground. Ryder looked at Liam, he had a shit-eating grin on his face.

"Don't start!" she warns as she walks over. He holds his hands up in surrender.

"You're in it deep, Pathfinder," he says. She swats his arm. She really was in it deep. The constant missions and barely alone time were getting to her. She missed being able to go away and do her own thing. She needed some sort of release, she thought a lot about it as they drove back to Kadara port. She needed some time to think before seeing Reyes tonight.

A/N: So one of the tags should be friends with benefits. That's how their relationship will start. Ryder doesn't want a proper relationship right now, her work is too demanding and she doesn't fully trust Reyes enough to be that deep with him. But for casual sex, she could handle that. It'll take off from the next chapter. 

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