The Full Treatment.

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Reyes places his hand on Ryder's shaking knee, she is nervous. "Calm down," he whispers. They both sat on the lift transportation. Getting Reyes on the Nexus was harder said than done, Ryder and SAM both had pulled strings to get him there. SAM faked a name and credentials for him to enter.

"I just hope Harry hasn't told him about what I lied about. He will hate me," she whispers. The lift came to a slow stop at the cryo bay, they both disembarked and headed towards the main doors.

"Do you want to stay back? Give you two a minute together." Ryder stops by the door, sighing to herself, but she shakes her head and holds his hand.

"No, just stay with me. I need support if this goes to shit," she replies. Reyes nods, lacing their fingers together. He'd somehow gone completely back on his word that he never really did relationships. Ryder had somehow changed his mind on that, but neither had officially said they were together.

They both walk in, Ryder instantly sees Scott sitting up. Their doctor Harry was giving him a check-up. "Scott!" she cheers walking faster and pulling Reyes along.

Scott looked up, he had a look of utter disgust on his face. Ryder knew he knew. "You finally show up?" he snarkily asks. Scott looks at Reyes, not paying him much attention.

Reyes looked at him, Sara and Scott really were alike. He had the same cold ice-blue eyes, strong cheekbones and blonde hair. Though it was neatly swept back. He had a light brown chiselled jaw and neck tattoo that resembled SAM's main AI core. Small specs of black, almost dot-work that led from his left ear to his neck. Reyes knew he was biotic, but unlike Sara was a Vanguard. Scott was an Adept, having a different implant and relied more on his tech to fight.

"Scott..." Sara mumbles. She looks at Harry, he nods and moves away. Ryder pulls her hand from Reyes, she tries to hug her brother.

He pulls further from her. "You fucking lied to me. I woke up wondering where the hell you or dad was. I'm told dad died nearly three months ago and you were too busy," he spits. He waves his hand at Reyes, "obviously not too busy to shack up with your boyfriend. Who the hell are you anyway?"

Sara looks at Reyes. "His name here is Jackson Lenton. His real name is Reyes Vidal," she whispers.

"Wow, even in Andromeda you date the shady bastards?" Scott scoffed. Ryder sits down next to him.

"Scott, I lied to you because you were in no state to know the truth. I had to watch dad die in front of me. It was my life or his, he chose me. I lied about the golden worlds because I didn't want you to panic about us not having a home. I'm fighting each day for that." She then looks at Reyes. "For him, we aren't together. He's a special... friend," she mutters.

"You ain't doing that stupid sleeping arrangement again are you?" Ryder takes too long to answer and Scott laughs, throwing his arm in the air. "You're really just fucking some random guy?"

"I am not some random guy, Scott. I care for Sara. You really think she'd let me come here today if I only slept with her?" Reyes was angry, everyone had it out for Sara and it was pissing him off.

Scott glares at him, before trying to stand up. Reyes was closer and caught him before he fell back down. "Easy," Harry shouts, rushing over. "You are in no state to move. You need rest," he sternly says. Sara gets up, letting Scott lay down. "You can talk, but no arm wrestling," he jokes before leaving again.

"Please forgive me, Scott," Sara begs. She kneels down next to him. He has tears in his eyes.

"I just can't believe they are both gone," he whispers. Reyes backs away, letting the twins hold each other. He looks around the cryo bay. There were patients being woken up and others healing injuries from fighting the Kett. He really didn't miss the Nexus.

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