Working With an AI.

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The Tempest was ten hours out from returning to the Nexus. The crew were lazing around, for the most part, not much could be done when Sara was now under investigation. Tann had sent word to the other Initiative leaders and now a huge argument erupted about Sara acting out alone to send a message to the Milky-Way.

She and Reyes were in her room. Sara sat on her bed, reading mission reports and sighing to herself every few minutes. Reyes was in a world of his own, he'd forgotten Ryder said he could use SAM to help with his workload and was huffing to himself about how much he had to get done. He'd been away from his duties too long, helping Ryder and crew instead.

"Mr Vidal, I can be of assistance," SAM says from the AI console to his left. Reyes looks up, his brows furrowing as he moves his closed fists from his forehead.

"I really should do this alone, SAM. There is stuff in here you wouldn't approve of." Reyes hears Sara chuckle behind him.

"SAM won't care," she calls, not looking up from her datapad.

"The Pathfinder is correct, I have no reason to judge you. Your work is your own personal affairs. I can merely organize work and respond to mission reports I deem unnecessary to reply to yourself." Reyes scratches his head. He didn't have much to lose using SAM.

"Alright, I've got this report here. Read it and tell me what you think I should do." SAM doesn't respond for a few seconds, he reads it and comes up with the best response.

"As it states in the report, your operatives are not able to control the drug outbreak of the slums. I suggest you move those not affected to the upper Port and quarantine the rest," he explains. Reyes knew the drug, Oblivion, was meant to be a cure. Dr Nakamoto designed it, meant to be the Andromeda version of Penicillin. But it had a bad effect if used too much. Giving the effects of someone taking Ecstasy.

Ryder helped get it back under control, but now it had broken out again and those living in the slums were abusing the hell of it. "How can I enforce this?"

"Whilst you have taken away the protection fees, you are still in power to use force for the safety of others. You give them a choice: stay in quarantine or be cut off from the main port." Reyes nods, it was a good idea, but it was harsh.

"Do you see no other alternative?" SAM was silent for a moment.

"None that would not break out into a war," he calmly replies. Reyes shrugs his shoulders, deciding to go with SAM's plan and replies to his operative with the solution to the issue. "I can help manage your emails," SAM points out.

"How many do I have?" Reyes knew there was a lot, Keema could only do so much. She needed his permission for most of the issues that came to her feet.

"Two-hundred and twenty-eight. But only seventeen I would deem needs your full attention. I can reply to the others on your behalf." Reyes sits back in the chair, it squeaks under his weight. Sara was too stuck in her work to even acknowledge either of them.

"How will that work? Shouldn't I reply myself, you don't know how I work," Reyes points out. SAMs hologram floated slowly in the console, he was silent. Reyes thought he offended SAM before he finally spoke.

"I have spent enough time with you and can experience first hand from your previous emails to formulate a response deemed well suited to the Charlatan. With your permission, I can have all two-hundred and eleven replied to in a much quicker time than you, yourself can." Reyes really didn't know what to do. He trusted SAM but this was the livelihood he was putting in the AI's... hands. Could he trust him to act on behalf of the Charlatan?

Reyes turns the chair, looking at Ryder. "What do you think?" Sara looks up, not realizing she actually hadn't listened to a word spoken.

"What?" she asks bluntly. Reyes smirks at her.

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