Director and Charlatan.

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A/N: We're getting some brief Jaal and Scott smut in here. Enjoy ;)

"Sara Ryder," Kesh says loud enough to startle her. "Would you be the next Andromeda Initiative Director?"

The words had gone straight over her head. Sara couldn't see, feel or hear anything, she was panicking. Becoming Pathfinder wasn't something she got a choice in, right now she did and it was freaking her out.

"Sara?" Scott asks with worry as he moves closer. Even Kandros looked uneasy, he pulled her back to sit in the chair Tann was previously sitting in. "Sara? Speak to me," he sternly says, kneeling in front of her.

"I... what did you ask me?" she whispers, looking past Scott towards Kesh. The Krogan is almost amused by her reaction. It was to be expected, it was a huge responsibility.

Kesh gives three large strides until she's by Scott's side, Sara leans back to meet her eyes. "I know it's a lot to take in. We don't expect an answer straight away, but we need someone who can be trusted. Everyone here knew Alec one way or another. We all respected him for the hope he brought to the Initiative, giving us SAM and giving us two brilliant kids who could continue his legacy. The Pathfinder role was filled by him, but defined by you and Scott."

Sara was taken aback by Kesh's soft words. She never expected such sweet words to be spoken. Scott smiles, patting Sara's knee. "What about Vidal?" Addison buts in.

"What about him?" Kesh asks, narrowing his already small eyes to the human.

Addison scoffs. "She is with him, we can't have someone so close to Sara being close to our station." Sara stands up, now pissed off.

"Hey," she shouts with a pointed finger. "Reyes has done more than anyone in this damn room. We wouldn't be living right now without the help of him and the Collective." She shakes her head, looking towards the door. "Can you all give me and Kesh a moment please?"

"Sure," Kandros says, waving both Scott and Addison out. She waits until the door is shut and locked before looking back at Kesh.

"How would this work? I can't be here all the time, I want a life and future with Reyes." Kesh nods, understanding the issue she was facing.

"Could Reyes come here? Leave Kadara behind?" Sara shakes her head. It just wouldn't work. She leans on her hip, crossing her arms over her chest.

"The Port almost went to shit when he left to join the Tempest for four days. He can't be here and there whilst still trying to run the Port." Kesh turns, heading back to her desk.

"What if..." she pauses, almost amusing herself with the idea. "The Initiative Director and Charlatan became one?" Sara cranes her head to the side in confusion. "Eden Prime was humanity's best colonist world back in the Milky-way, correct?" Sara nods. "Kadara is our Eden Prime. We need Reyes to keep all calm, but we need the Director to run the show of our other colonies and Nexus. If Reyes and you joined forces, you'd be a powerful force for us all to prosper here. Evfra would be pleased, he respects Reyes and you would bring calm and order to us trying to accept the return of the exiles."

"How would it work from here, however? I want Reyes in my life, not a long-distance relationship." Sara knew Reyes would be very sceptical of the idea, but it would be the best for the future of all in Heleus. Everyone was still divided, there needed to be a change.

Kesh leans into the back support, the metal creaking under her weight. "He would be here, I understand his work is important. The Nexus can offer all the technology, staff and resources he would need to run the Port from here as if he was on Kadara itself."

Sara cups her chin, looking down at her feet for a moment. "Alright," she whispers. Kesh's vigilant hearing easily picked it up. "I will be our next director if you believe I can do it.... but I need to see Reyes first, speak to him about this."

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