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The Tempest was due to depart from Elaaden in the next hour, Scott was nearly starting to worry that Morda had gone back on her word about Spender. But soon enough, a shuttle lands just short of the docking ramps to the ship. Morda is on it, Spender in tow with her.

Scott waits with Drack as they walk over to them both. "Pathfinder, your new addition," Morda jokes as she pushes Spender towards him.

Scott looked him over, he was skinny, much skinnier than what he last remembered seeing from vids. He was dirty and had the look of a haunted man on him. "Spender, welcome to your new home."

Spender doesn't reply, he glares at the ground in front of him. "Speak, pyjak," Drack roars in his face. Spender steps back, shaking in fear. Scott had wondered what exactly the Krogan had done to break the once sarcastic and confident man.

"I..." The man was too shaken to form words. Scott shakes his head at him, waving Drack to move him onto the ship.

"Thanks, Morda. I'll be in contact when we get Tann sorted," he says to the Krogan. She nods, her lip quivering slightly.

"Don't go back on our deal," she warns with a pointed finger. Scott backs away towards the ramp, holding his hands up in defence.

"I know well enough not to piss you off, Morda," he says with a smirk as he leaves. He lets the ramps close before looking at Spender. "Kallo get us to Kadara."

"Kadara? Are we not going straight to the Nexus?" Drack asks, keeping a heavy hand on Spender. His hands were tied together, but Drack didn't trust the man.

"No, we need to get Sara. She needs to be here for this." Spender almost whimpers at her name being mentioned. "Guessing you don't like my sister?" Scott laughs.

"I... no," he truthfully answers. Drack growls, pulling his body aggressively. He drags him off to the kitchen, Spender and he would now be spending a lot more time together.

"I'll come to see him soon," Scott calls. Drack only nods, pushing Spender through the doors. The cargo bay was empty, and Scott leaned against the crates. He was looking forward to seeing Sara, he'd missed her. He missed Reyes as well.

Thinking about Reyes reminding him to call him. He opens his omni-tool and vid calls Reyes. The line rang for a few seconds before Reyes answered. Scott wasn't sure what time it was on Kadara, but it obviously was late. Reyes looked very groggy as he answered.

"What?" he groans. He finally opens his eyes, realising it's Scott. He looks over at Sara, she is soundly asleep. He puts his finger to his lips, hushing Scott from speaking as he climbs out of bed and heads to his office.

Scott waited whilst he watched a shirtless Reyes sneak through his house. The lights turn on, he could SAM's node at Reyes' side as he sits down in his office chair. "Right, why did you call me so late?" he asks, annoyed.

"Sorry, I didn't know what time it was. We are on our way to Kadara." Reyes stops rubbing his eye, looking at Scott with his open, right one.

"Why?" he asks, pulling his arm down.

"I know you and Sara both hate me, but I took the Pathfinder role to save her and SAM." Reyes laughs out loud. Scott sighs, shaking his lowered head. "Just listen Reyes," he groans. Reyes raises a brow, but drops his head, waiting for the explanation. "Tann's team on the Remnant station found a... understanding of how SAM controls the resident Remnant. They've been able to change it somehow and now have a way of pulling SAM from Sara without killing her."

Reyes sits back in his chair, his hand slapping against his forehead in pure shock. "That should not be possible," SAM spoke. Even he sounded worried. "My connection to Sara is too deep to be forced apart. The Archons' actions proved this."

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