The Milky Way.

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Elaaden was in their sights, only an hour to go and Tann could kiss his old life goodbye. Sara did wonder what Morda would do to him. She knew he wouldn't be outright killed, Morda would want him to suffer first. Let him have a taste of his own medicine after what he did to Krogan and exiles nearly a year ago.

She was in the armoury preparing for the descent down into the planet. Scott was taking her, Drack and Jaal. He wanted backup with them since they were dragging Tann and Spender along. Morda was to send a shuttle for them, the Nomad was too small to fit them all in.

"Sara," SAM calls through her private channel. His voice surprised her, she'd been so busy lately that they both barely had time to speak alone together.

"Yes, buddy?" she asks as she wipes down her rifle. She missed having a gun in her hand.

"Sara, you ready to go. We are heading down now," Scott near shouts of the ship comms. She rolls her eyes before strapping her guns into place and heads to the cargo bay.

"Sara, this is important," SAM says sternly. His voice almost gives her a headache.

"SAM, calm down," she winces. "Just wait till I am back, I won't be long." She expected him to say something, but the silence was all she got. She did wonder what was so important, but this was also important and needed to be dealt with.


Elaaden hadn't changed much since the last time Sara was there. The New Tuchanka settlement was booming with life, Morda had done well to get a sustainable home going. The Nexus outpost was also doing good, though some problems would arise. The Outpost leader and Morda could sort most out without violence or threats needed.

The shuttle dropped them a level lower from Morda's 'throne room'. The landing pad hung over the edge. Tann almost shit himself when Drack moved him to see over the edge, giving him a real idea of just how stuck he was and escaping was pointless.

"Come on, pyjak," Drack grumbles as he drags Tann along. Spender is behaving enough to follow Jaal at his side. The Korgan all looked at the old Director being pulled along, some look as if they want to murder him there and then.

Jaal looks at the glares, leaning closer to Scott and whispers, "should we be worried about these... glances?" Scott looks at some, smiling with his head shaking.

"No, it's not for us. They are all at Tann. No one hates him more than the Krogan," he explains. Jaal nods, leaning back up to walk in stride with Spender.

They get up the stairs and Morda is waiting at the top. Her bone accessories swayed with her moving body. Tann looks visibly sick glimpsing at them.

"Ah, Tann. Such a pleasure to see you again," she says in a deep laugh. "You can see the Krogan are very excited to see you," she grimly adds.

"Morda, nice to see you again," Sara greets with a smile. Morda bows partly at her, Sara was the only human she had any actual respect for.

"Sara, I am glad to see you are back. Are you Pathfinder once again?" Tann scoffs at the question.

"Quiet whelp," Drack shouts with a slap behind his head.

Sara shakes her head, looking back to Morda to reply. "No, I am actually giving that up. Scott will take over from me." She wanted to tell Morda the news of her taking Tann's job, but she still needed to discuss it with Reyes.

"That is a shame, but your brother here is... acceptable," she says with a wave of her hand.

"Oh you," Scott jokes with a blush. Morda grunts at him, she waves Drack over to bring Tann closer.

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