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Sara was far from happy to know Scott and the Tempest were coming to Kadara. She was only now starting to settle and getting used to being away from her crew. She wanted space to adjust before being ready to see everyone again.

Reyes was her battering ram when he first told her. But when she found out Spender was coming to Kadara, her mood shifted. She despised the man, her thoughts had wandered to how he'd even survived when she exiled him.

The Tempest had already landed at the Port. Reyes was waiting for Sara to finally give him the go-ahead she was ready to see her brother again. It took nearly three hours, but she finally relented and nodded to him.

"SAM, let them know," Reyes orders as they both leave the Collective base. The Port was calmer this time of the day, some businesses closing for the day and other openings for the imminent nightlife. Krogan were the worst during the evenings, spending most of their time getting rowdy and drinking into the next day. Reyes made sure his men kept close eyes on anyone who seemed to want to get extra jumpy and confident.

Sara sighed as they both walked hand in hand to the docking bays. "You might have to hold me back when we see Spender," she grumbles.

Reyes squeezes her hand, "don't let him annoy you. I'm sure Drack is keeping him on a short leash." Reyes still hadn't told Sara exactly why Scott and Spender were coming to see her, just it was important and she couldn't ignore him on this.

They walked through the last set of the doors to the docking bay, Scott was already standing there. Jaal and Cora are at his side. He was smiling but looked down with Sara instantly glaring at him.

"Sara," Cora calls as she rushes over and scoops her friend up in her arms. Sara giggles, patting Cora's back in return. Reyes ended up looking past Scott to Drack and stood by the docking doors. His eyes almost fell out of their sockets when he finally realises who Spender is.

"Este hijo de puta," he growls as he near flies across the short space and smashes Spender into the metal door. His hands wrapped around his throat.

"Reyes!" Scott shouts as they all rush over to break them up. Drack was stunned, not realising just how quickly Reyes had moved and gotten Spender from his casual grasp.

"Why is this fucker in my port?" he hisses. Spender is clawing at Reyes's arms, but the man isn't budging. It takes Drack and Scott to pull Reyes off him completely. Sara stands in front of him, placing her hands on his chest.

"Calm down. Why did you attack him?" she asks. She looks at Spender, he looks down at the ground, rubbing his sore throat.

"That piece of shit has caused many issues for me. Stole my cargo and turned my own people against me." Sara looks between them both, then narrows her brows and looks at Scott.

Scott pulls Spender towards him, making sure Reyes can't get to him again. "He knows what he did was wrong, he's here to help us." Reyes throws his arms at him, not buying Scott's words.

"Like hell, he is," he shouts as he turns away from them all. "Get him out of here!"

"Reyes, come on. You know we need him to do this," Cora says. He puts his hands on his hips, looking at the empty port in front of him.

"Need him for what?" Sara asks.

Scott leaves Spender with Drack, moving to his sister. She backs away when he gets a bit too close. He sighs, "I know you hate me. But if you give me a chance to explain. This will all make sense."

Sara looked at Reyes for advice, but he was still looking away from them all. She looks at Jaal, he nods at her to listen to him. "Fine, come on," she waves them to follow. Reyes grunts, but nods they could come through the port.

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