A New Director.

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"Pathfinder," Kandros greets Scott as he and Sara enter the command room for the station's security. Drack had Spender with him in Kesh's room, news didn't need to travel that the Nexus traitor was back.

"Kandros, thank you for seeing us," Scott says with a smile. Sara looked around at the workers, making sure no one was too close to hear their conversation.

Kandros leans against the console behind him. "Yeah, well. Reyes makes it very hard to say no to him," he scoffs. Sara smirks at him, no truer words spoken. "What did you need to see me about?"

"We have Spender with us," Sara bluntly explains. Scott looks at her with narrowed brows, she could have said it with some professionalism. Kandros stood straight as a board, his mandibles going tighter than possible into his cheeks.

"Get him off the station at once. He is exiled for a reason," he growls. Scott waves him to calm down, seeing some of his workers looking over at the rising voices and subvocals of the Turian.

"Calm down," Sara hisses in reply. "We brought him back because he has evidence and a full statement for what Tann has been doing behind all our backs. He's been working with exiles along with Spender and threw him under the bus when I caught him. SAM has found all the evidence."

"Dammit," he snaps. "We don't need this right now. Are you sure Spender can be trusted with this? How do you know if he's not playing us all again?"

"Trust me, Kandros," Sara calmly says. "I know he wouldn't lie on this. And it would explain why Tann was never around when we caught him out and exiled him." Kandros seemed to finally understand, nodding with his talons to his chin.

"Alright, I trust you both. Please don't screw this up. I will have Tann brought to Kesh's office for questioning." They all agreed that was the best plan and split up to implement it. Sara called Reyes, letting Scott go on ahead of her.

"Hello, dove. How's it all going?" Reyes asks as his face fills her omni-tool.

Sara moves to the far corner by Addison's station, sitting under the stairs for some privacy. "Good, Kandros listened to us and Tann is being brought in for questioning."

Reyes smiles, happy to see the plan was going ahead. "I knew Kandros would help you. He didn't make it easy for me to force into meeting you, however."

"I know, he said the exact same thing about you," she laughs. She looks up at the station, seeing the bustling life around her. It was mostly full of workers, running the main parts of the Nexus at their own consoles and stations.

"Are you okay, dove?" Reyes asks, moving forward to see her facial expression change.

"I'm not sure if I want to be Pathfinder anymore. Even after all this. I love being on Kadara with you, but I also want to keep helping the Initiative settle here." Reyes raises a brow, clicking his tongue as he considers her words.

"I understand that. Give it time and just see what cards are dealt to you." Sara nods, getting back up when she sees Tann being dragged along by a Salarian and human soldier. He was far from happy, his eyes digging dagger into her when they met gazes.

"I need to go, I'll call you after." She doesn't look down at the call as she ends it. She needed to get in there. Kandros and Addison are standing by the doors waiting for her to join when Tann is forced to sit in a chair in the middle of the small room. Kesh stood in front of her desk, tapping her heavy foot into the metal flooring.

"I demand answers, who said you could do this?" Tann shouts in anger. Kandros stands at the left of his chair and Drack is at the right. Spender is sitting behind him, not yet seen by the Salarian.

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