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Scott hated being the Pathfinder. He thought it would be a walk in the park with the training he'd been given, but it had only been a day and he was already regretting taking Tann's deal. The crew barely spoke to him, still feeling the loss of Sara. They even missed Reyes at that point. Jaal was the only support he had.

They were heading to Elaaden, he wanted to see Morda. The Krogan clan leader of the New Tuchanka colony. He needed to find out if Spender was still alive. Sara had him exiled when she finally got the evidence needed to charge the snake with the countless thefts and set-ups he'd done throughout the Nexus, eventually causing the uprising.

"Pathfinder, we are making our final approach," Kallo calls through the ship comms.

Scott looks up from his terminal. "Thanks, Kallo," he replies. He finishes his email to Tann and then gets up to head for the bridge. He might hate this job but someone had to do it. He could only hope Morda had the answers he needed to get rid of the Director.


Reyes had a long day ahead, he first needed to go see Keema. The Angara had hidden a lot from him whilst he was on the Tempest and now she was struggling to keep the peace. He enters the HQ, finding only some guards and Keema pacing in front of her throne.

"Vidal, about time," she angrily says as he stops in front of her. The guards in the throne room all knew who Reyes was. No one besides Keema was able to get away speaking to him like this.

"What the hell have you done?" he shouts as he puts both hands on his hips. Keema smokes her cigar, letting the smoke cloud his view.

"I've been trying to run this damn port whilst you were playing hero with Nexus," she shoots back in defence. Reyes scratches the back of his neck, his brows furrowing at her.

"Don't question what I do, Keema," he warns. She sits in the chair, sighing loudly. "Everyone leave us," he orders. The guards don't need to be told twice and they all scurry out. "What is going on out there?"

Reyes wasn't expecting much to change whilst he was gone. Maybe some new stores to be opened or progress on the houses currently being built. What does he come back to? People fighting in the street, his men being attacked trying to defend shop owners and Dr Nakamotos's clinic has being raided by the exiles from Elaaden.

"We have been accepting too many people into the Port," she explains. Reyes grunts at her, he was so angry at this. "I've tried to keep the peace but the exiles from Elaaden have turned on us.

"All of them?" Keema shakes her head.

"Just a few, some are our own. Dr Nakamoto's clinic got stripped bare, they stole a shuttle and fled the planet before we could catch them." He curses under his breath, how could this have been allowed to happen.

"And the fighting going on outside? I had to break up two of them on my way here." Reyes had two men fighting over a gun mod they both wanted to buy. The shop owner didn't care, whoever paid more could have it, but the fight turned physical and he punched one in the face to break it up. The other were four Angara demanded to see Keema and were angry as a human guard was getting involved in an Angaran matter by denying them entry. 

"Prices have risen on most products sold on the Port. The protection fees had stopped that from happening before, now people are doing whatever they can to make money." Reyes motions Keema to move from the throne, she rolls her eyes but gets up. He flops himself into it.

"Right, first thing first. Get me Dr Nakamoto. I want to see him." Keema nods, she stares at him for a moment as he rubs his aching head. "What?" he snaps at her.

"Some of our operatives told us work was getting done much quicker than what was expected for the Charlatan to reply to. How did you manage that?" Reyes looks at her, his eyes hung low.

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