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Scott groans as his omni-tool rings for a call to be accepted. He ends it, getting his attention back to Jaal as they both kiss and roam each other's bodies. Ryder and Jaal ended up going back to the science lab after the meeting. One thing led to another and they both were now making out with half their clothes missing.

Jaal had Ryder sat on his desk, standing over him as he trails small kisses down his neck. Scotts omni-tool rings again. Jaal pulls his head back. "Do you need to answer that?"

Scott looks at him with flushed eyes, swiping the call to mute it. "No, please don't stop," he says breathlessly. Scott started to massage the growing hardon under his uniform trousers.

Then his omni-tool blared a warning it was being hacked. Scott practically growled when he realised it was SAM doing it. "What the hell, SAM?!" he shouts in annoyance. "I'm busy," he adds.

"I'm sorry, Scott. But there is information from located memories of your fathers you need to know about," SAM's voice fills the room. Scott groans loudly, looking at Jaal with an apologetic look.

Jaal chuckles deeply, bending down to grab their clothes. "Fine, what memory?" Scott knew about the memories Alec locked away. Sara was able to get SAM to show them all to him via his own implant. Seeing them first-hand was creepy, but warming, some memories he couldn't even remember happening. Yet, he was there. Happy with his family.

"I was sorting through them and one became accessible. It was due to unlock with time, not the progression Sara has as a Pathfinder." Scott buttons his shirt up, leaning against the desk as Jaal goes to his terminal.

"Well, why aren't you contacting Sara? I can't see them without her?" SAM almost seems too awkward to answer.

"She is currently with Mr Vidal, not wishing me to be disturbed unless... 'someone is dying'," he quotes. Scott hears Jaal snicker to himself.

"So she's getting laid, fair enough," Scott groans. "Why is it so important?"

"It's about your mother, she is not dead." The words were almost a punch in the stomach. Scott lost his footing and slid off the desk, Jaal catches him.

"What?!" he shouts. Even Jaal was now wondering, they both stare at Ryder's arm.

"Get Sara and come to the SAM node on the Nexus," SAM says before ending the call. The SAM node on the Hyperion was no longer active, it got destroyed by the crash. Luckily SAM is backed up in multiple places and can't be so easily destroyed. A new replica was built on the Nexus. Barely anything was different with this one.

Scott and Jaal both glared at each other before taking off in a sprint to the apartment blocks. They had no time to waste.


Sara was still asleep when Reyes woke up. He untangles himself from her, pulling the duvet to cover her before tiptoeing to the bathroom to shower.

Scott and Jaal bang on the door, there is no answer and it's locked from the inside. "They may have fallen asleep," Jaal comments. Scott nods, he tries to hack the door but SAM stops him.

"Scott, your sister is not dressed," SAM explains. Scott bangs on the door.

"Wake her up then," he shouts. SAM disappears to try to wake Ryder up, but she's in such a deep sleep she isn't waking up for anyone.

"She is in too much deep sleep. Enter with caution, she is covered as of now," SAM says before unlocking the door. Scott and Jaal look at each other, finally pressing the green button.

The door hisses open, and the sight of Sara sprawled out in bed, snoring lightly to herself. There was no sign of Reyes. "Sara," Scott calls. She doesn't respond. Scott looks around, finding her trainers on the floor. He throws it across the room, it lands just short of her arm. "Shit, you try," he says, pushing the other trainer in Jaals hand.

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