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Ryder walked through Kadara Port with a small smile on her lips. Whilst it had only been four days since Reyes took over, the changes were very noticeable. The Collective were scattered in guarding posts but were actually friendly and approachable.

The residents were all physically happier as well, it was a small bustling city. She heads to the HQ building now named 'Collective Base'. Reyes had done well, with Keema's help of course.

"Ah, Pathfinder. Welcome," an operative says as she waves her to follow inside. Ryder was surprised she had no pat-down or search done before being allowed in.

Sloans room hadn't changed much, it had a more welcoming sense to it, however. She sees Jaal standing in the far corner, now happier to be around more Angara. Keema sat on the throne, smoking an extended cigar.

"Ryder, how lovely it is to see you," Keema says with a smile. "If you're here to see our friend, he is not here," she adds.

"Yeah, I know. I'm going to see him in a minute. Just wanted to know everything was going?" Keema chuckles, waving her arm out to let Ryder see just how good they were doing.

"It's well. The Angara are pleased to see the Port is now back in our hands, if not fully under our thumb. Our mutual friend makes sure he plays well with Evfra. The Resistance and Collective are very well suited together." Ryder nods, Evfra obviously knew who Reyes truly was. But he didn't care, the Port was now back with its original owners. Of course, it was always secretly human run, but Reyes knew how to keep everyone happy.

"Good. How are you doing Jaal?" she asks loud enough for the brooding Angara to look up. He snarls his lip up.

"This place is growing on me," he happily starts. "Like an infected flesh wound," he grimly adds. Ryder laughs at him, Jaal really did hate Kadara.

"Oh, cheer up, Jaal," Keema says with a chuckle. He only shakes his head and turns back to look outside. "I shall leave you to it, Ryder. Please go see him, he needs you," she whispers. Ryder smiles and nods, leaving the room

"SAM, warn Reyes I'm coming down. I don't want him flustered and panicking," she quietly says as she heads for the lifts.

"Of course, Ryder."


Reyes tried to not drink after he was done with Kaetus, but he ended up having one bottle of whiskey, and then it turned to two bottles. He was drunk, but not the happy kind of drunk. Moreover, he wanted to cry and pout to himself.

"Mr Vidal," SAM's voice calls on his omni-tool.

"SAM, finally!" he shouts standing up, the bottle falling from his grasp. "Is Ryder alright?"

"Yes, she is on her way to see you," the AI says before ending the call. Reyes looks at himself in the mirror, swearing about how bad he looked.

He rushes out of the room, grabbing some coffee to get rid of the whiskey taste and smell. He throws the bottles into Kian's hand to usher the confused Irishman out the door. He then finds some body spray and sorts his hair out, he still looks like shit.

"Pull yourself together," he whispers to himself as he pats his hair down and tucks his shirt back in. He really should be getting on with work, but in short; he couldn't be arsed. He was mentally exhausted and left most of it for Keema to sort.

"Reyes?" the sweet voice calls from the opened doors. Reyes turns, almost falling over his own feet. Ryder stands by the door, staring back at him.

"Pequeña paloma," he whispers. They both almost seemed glued to the ground and neither could move. Ryder's lip trembled, she could see he'd tried to clean himself up for her, but he looked a hot mess.

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