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Ryder got her mental health in a much better place by the end of the week. She spent most of her time with Reyes and sorted her relationships out with the crew. She and Cora finally hashed their problems out and were friends again, she even spoke to Liam. He'd understood her reasoning for keeping Verand under close observation. Even she said she agreed with Ryder's choice in doing it.

SAM found Meridian, but it wasn't what they expected. It's was more of a massive space station. Sara and the crew left Kadara and headed straight there. The first time going wasn't what they expected, so many questions were left unanswered. The Jardaan, another Heleus race, was responsible for 'creating' the Angara and Remnant, they were also the last known administrator to use the console to try to find the main neural network. The space station wasn't Meridian, it was just a stopping point to find the real place.

With the mission on ice, Ryder returned to the Nexus with the news of what they found. The Angara were seething about what they found, their whole life had never evolved. They were all created and no one knew why. Tann didn't want Ryder going back, even when she argued that she could with SAM's help find the real Meridian.

With the final answer as no, Ryder thought she was at a loss. But the other Pathfinders stood by her, even the Nexus scientist helped. A new technology called Ghost Storm was the answer. SAM was able to quickly configure the technology and all they had to do was go back.

But doing so meant going behind Tanns and the Initiative boards back. The other Pathfinders along with Ryder decided to do it anyway, they'd caused the distraction to make the Kett think the space station was under attack whilst Ryder and the others snuck in and uploaded Ghost Storm.

Ryder currently stood in front of the main console, last used centuries ago by the Jardaan. "SAM, you ready, buddy?" she asks as she stands with her hand out over the remnant terminal.

She looks down at her omni-tool, Ghost Storm was ready, though there was a chance it wouldn't work. She looked up at the consoles, it was dark in the main hub. Just small lights of dust and specs of blue floated, it reminded her of Element zero particles. The Remnant inside were deactivated, not noticing any activity.

"Yes, Pathfinder. Once rerouted, the Remnant should divert to Meridian and give us the path," SAM explains. "I apologise for any discomfort," he warns. Ryder sighs but starts the reroute. Her implant burns against her skull as SAM enters the controls and uploads the data.

Vetra and Jaal both watch out for any Kett as Ryder grunts to the pain. The console fully resets and the main hubs all turn on. Meridian, the real one appears. It's a location. "It worked!" Vetra cheers.

Ryder rubs her head, looking up as she sees the Temnant around them activate. Though they don't attack, they just float up and out. "SAM, where are they heading?" Ryder asks.

"I detect the movements, they are heading to Meridian. I have the location, Pathfinder," SAM says with some happiness in his voice. Jaal throws his arms in cheer, after decades of fighting. It would all soon be another. "Caution," SAM warns.

A bullet barely misses Ryder as she falls into cover. A Cardinal walks in, his guard of Kett following. "Bring the great Archon the Pathfinder, kill the rest," he orders. Ryder and the others started to fight their way out of this. The Cardinal was the hardest, with strong shields, their weapons were nearly useless in taking it down.

Ryder uses her biotics, finding her novas to do the most damage. Soon enough they pushed them back, however, the Kett had been able to lock the doors behind them. "They forget I can unlock this thing right?" Ryder jokes as she walks towards the console.

She holds her hand out, the normal procedure to unlock the door. But then it hit her, and her head almost exploded. She screams as she doubles over in pain. "SAM?" she cries in pain. He doesn't reply.

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