Bad Boy Vibes.

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Sara was able to get Vehn out of prison and away from Kadara. Sloan was pissed, but she never pointed fingers at her or Reyes. Ryder wanted to see him again, she'd been in her room most of the day. They were stuck on Kadara all week as Gil and Kallo argued some more about what upgrades the Tempest needed.

As long as it didn't affect their work, she didn't mind them squabbling like kids. She was sitting at her desk when her terminal alerted her to an email. It was from Reyes.

To: Sara Ryder.

From: Reyes Vidal.

Subject: Drinks.


Evfra sent word he's got Vehn. He'll be sent to trial soon.

I have a business venture for you. Come see me at Tartarus when you can. Drinks on me.

I promise.


She read the email a few times over. She didn't know if this business venture was a good idea. She was the Pathfinder and is representing the Initiative. "SAM, have we got any plans today?"

Her AI terminal lit up as the small blue orb of Sam spun freely around it. "No, Pathfinder. Though I have seen reports of multiple murders in Kadara port that might pique your interest."

She narrows her eyes at the terminal "Why? Murders are everyday life in Kadara aren't they?"

"Usually yes, but I sense a pattern. An Angara body has been found outside Kralla's song. I might be able to get more information via your scanner." Ryder grabs her black leather jacket and heads out. Bumping into Vetra as she does.

"Hey, Ryder. Off out?" she asks from her station by the Nomad.

Ryder pulls her long hair back into a high ponytail. "Yeah, got some stuff to look into." She pauses before walking down the ramp. "What do you know about Reyes Vidal?"

Vetra looks up from her omni-tool, she definitely knew that name from how tight her mandibles went. "Many have different opinions about him. I don't care for the man, he's just as likely to kill you as he is to help you."

"Good to know," she hardly replies as she leaves. She didn't expect much from Reyes, but she at least wanted something good to off with him. Sara was the first to admit, she wasn't the nicest of people either. She can be manipulative, sarcastic or plain rude when she wants to be.

She first headed to the sight of the Angaran body. Turns out he was poisoned and was an active Milky Way supporter. The Outcasts didn't care much, turns out the man never paid his protection fees so he was on his own. SAM pointed out Reyes might know more about it.

Kadara was boiling hot like usual, the perk of having SAM, he could keep her body temperature low enough she won't sweat to death. She headed to the lift, Tartarus was down in the area called the slums. Its name gave it away, it was homes stacked on top of each other like slums. The bar was the biggest building of them all there.

"SAM, who owns Tartarus, Reyes?" she asks as the slow lift took her down through the deep bedrock. It was very cool, a nice breeze blew through and up it.

"Kian Dagher. An Irish human owns the bar. Reyes is one of his best-paying customers. It seems most of Mr Vidal's business happens within the private room that is at the top of the stairs as you walk in. Warning, Pathfinder. Many might think you are an evening dancer," he says through her private channel.

Ryder rolls her eyes. "Brilliant," she mumbles. The lift comes to a stop and she walks across the wet rocks and moss to the slums in the far corner. But the low toned voices took her off course, she went down the back alley. Finding a male and female human looting a dead Salarian.

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