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When Sara told Reyes she'd be coming to Kadara after doing all her other duties, he was expecting her to be a week or two at most. It'd been six weeks and she still hadn't been to see him. They spoke every day without fail, but her job had become even busier after taking Meridian. The last of the Kett had been chased out of Heleus, the odd straggler would be found and instantly killed.

Reyes threw himself into his work. He had full contracts in place with the Resistance, golden worlds and the Nexus. He did tell Moshea Sjefa who he really was, it made it that bit easier when she came to represent the Nexus species. She was the voice of reason to everyone and worked closely with Tann to keep everyone happy.

Keema was still publicly known as the Charlatan, the name was now a symbol of something good. Many came to her with their needs and Reyes would help when he could. He was slowly and secretly becoming the most powerful person in the cluster.

"Reyes, you need to contact Evfra," Keema says over the vid call. Tensions were started to slowly raise the issues with Helium-three. A powerful gas that could be mined into fuel. The Nexus was running out, but Ryder found an asteroid belt filled with the stuff, now the Resistance and Nexus were arguing about who should have it and how it should be split. Reyes got his fuel from the Resistance, he took the pay cut in return for a monthly supply, but now he was struggling to keep up with the demands of what the Collective needed.

"Great," Reyes groans. He was in a bad mood as it was, Ryder's twenty-third birthday passed days ago and he couldn't celebrate with her. He called her than Scott to wish them a happy birthday, but it wasn't the same without being there together. His own birthday was only a week away and Ryder knew that. She'd been arguing with Tann to get some time off, but the Salarian wasn't budging on his decision that she had to finish her tasks first.

"Tensions are high, Evfra is pissed with the Initiative and Tann is being an ass," she says. Reyes nods, rubbing his eyes as he ends the call. He doesn't speak to Tann, Keema does. Though the Salarian can be friendly for the most part, he was shit at dealing with pressuring situations.

Reyes calls Evfra from his terminal, it didn't take long for the angry looking Angara to answer. A scowl on his face. "Reyes, your people are annoying me," he hisses.

"I know, Evfra. They're pissing me off too. What's the problem?" Evfra groans heavily, Reyes could hear the bustle of the Resistance workers in the background of his office.

"That asteroid your Pathfinder found. It's got enough Helium-three to supply fuel to ships for nearly three-hundred years. The Nexus had taken the ground before we could and now won't talk about splitting it." Reyes scratches his neck. Tann really couldn't think he could show up to Andromeda and take whatever the hell he wanted. The asteroid was found in the same system as the Turian ark. It was meant to be the Turian and Quarian homeworlds, though the Quarian was currently lost. SAM found their distress beacon, and Kett was trying to find them. They were in hiding and were still a few years out from reaching Heleus. Everyone could only hope the dark space would hide them during the last leg of their journey.

"Has Ryder said anything about this?" he asks. Evfra shakes his head.

"No, Jaal has spoken to her about it. I am yet to hear back," he replies.

"And what do you want me to do about it?" Reyes sternly asks. He liked Evfra a lot, but the Angara was sometimes so broody, that it made his job harder than it needed to be.

"She is your mate, you sort it," he shouts in agitation. Reyes rolls his eyes, moving in his seat.

"I don't speak to my girlfriend about her work. We cross the line there," he calmly replies. Evfra grunts, his eyes shut tightly.

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