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The Nexus had massively changed in the few weeks since winning back Heleus. The full installation of all ends was complete and over sixty percent of the population was awake. The last few were those who were brought to help bring the populations up. Though the golden worlds needed to be finished first.

SAM figured it would take at least six months before all golden worlds are viable enough to start building cities and homes on them. Voeld was not going to be populated as the cold weather would never really go. The Angara also don't want to give it up. They would keep Aya, Voeld and Havarl, only allowing so many other species on them.

That left Kadara and Eos for the population building. Elaadan was given to the Korgan, the planet was a hard one to live on but Krogan made it look easy. They also needed time to work through the Genophage issues. They had been able to push their reproductive percentage to thirteen percent, which is a massive difference from before they left the Milky Way.

The Charlatan would always control Kadara, which was the most popular planet of them all. Eos was the golden child of the Nexus. Procreation blockers were starting to be removed for those who wish to try for a baby. However, couples were only allowed to have one baby between them, just for the time being. Twins or triplets were accepted, which cannot be helped with fertility.

Reyes got off the shuttle in the docking bay. They'd landed across from The Tempest, even though they were closer. The ship was just much faster and easily beat them there. Reyes looked out for Ryder as he walked along with Keema. Four of their men kept guard as they all strolled slowly through the bustling docking bays.

More Angara was now living full time on the station, they settled in well and even some romantic relationships were being formed. Most were Turian and Angara, the odd human and Angara. He smiled seeing the couple happy together, they all seemed suited well together.

"Reyes!" The voice screams. Reyes barely has time to catch who it was before a body tackles him to the ground. Ryder had thrown herself on time, she straddles him as she pins him down to hunt his lips down.

Keema only laughs as she looks down at them. Reyes wraps his arms around Ryder, kissing her deeply, his tongue slips into her mouth. Soon it got too awkward to watch, Keema kicked Reyes's leg. People were staring at the Pathfinder making out with someone on the floor.

"Dove, let me get up," he laughs. Ryder sighs but stands up, holding her hand to pull him up.

"Well, you two missed each other," Scott calls as he strolls over. He was now a full-time member of Sara's crew. The Ryder twins caused chaos by roaming the cluster together.

"It's been six weeks, of course, I missed him," Sara pouts as she hugs Reyes. He goes a little stiff when his men keep gawking at them.

"Ryder, come on. People are staring," he says a bit more sternly. His men quickly turned away, seeing he was upset with them looking.

"Sorry, I just missed you. How are you?" she asks. They all walk together towards the lifts, Tann was annoyed that Sara ignored his request to stay on Voeld. She told him she was coming for a meeting to sort this issue out with the Helium-three. He agreed to attend but wasn't happy about it. Moshea would also be there, but she wouldn't be speaking much during it.

"Better, now you're here. Have you seen Evfra?" Reyes and Sara lace their fingers together. Walking a little further ahead with Scott and Keema speaking quietly together.

"Yeah, he's gone off ahead with Jaal and some resistance fighters." The lift arrives and they all get inside, Sara brushes her thigh against Reyes's, getting his attention. "Are you going to tell him?" she whispers.

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