The Trouble of Feelings.

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Ryder was able to save the Asari ark, the only last one remaining was the Turian ark. But with no leads, she could only head to the last planet the Initiative wishes to colonise, which is Elaadan. The hot barren planet was even worse than the Sahara desert back on Earth. Ryder hated the place, she was constantly sweaty and agitated.

Along with playing both sides of the resident Korgan and some exiled exiles from Kadara. Ryder never knew someone could get kicked off Kadara, but it seemed pissing Sloan off enough got them sent there. She also was ignoring Reyes, he was annoyed off with her as well. He reminded her that she signed this agreement and she just about broke every rule he came up with.

Ryder didn't care, she was too far away for him to come to her and he wouldn't leave Kadara anyway. SAM was the only one who spoke to Reyes about Ryder, he kept it simple, saying she was still alive and well. Ryder was fine, but mentally she was struggling. Cora and she hadn't been the same since the Asari ark was found, Ryder sacked the old Pathfinder after she sacrificed the first Pathfinder's life for information about the Kett. The Captain was pissed when she found it, so she chose the next Pathfinder. A three hundred commando. Vaderia was petrified to be Pathfinder, but Ryder knew she'd do just fine and offered to help how she could.

Cora was annoyed with Ryder being rude to the Asari and she finally snapped when Cora was constantly bringing up memories of her time with the Asari unit she used to run with back home. Ryder didn't care, she was there to bring the ark home, not listen to Cora moan about everything that should have happened if the ark made it.

Ryder sat in her room, her knees up to her chin. She was mentally exhausted. They'd been on Elaaden for four days. They'd been able to get the vault up which dropped the temperatures and already bought some plant life through. She was able to help the resident Krogan and now had an agreement with the clan leader, Nakmor Morda. The Krogan was a hard woman to please, but Ryder won her over and the Initiative was days out from having their own outpost.

The crew celebrated, but Ryder was just depressed. SAM felt the elevation in her heart rate, so he decided to finally speak. "Are you well, Ryder?" he asks with some worry in his voice.

Ryder smiles, wiping the tears away. "Yeah, buddy. Just stressed," she replies.

"Do you wish to speak about it? You said I have a 'good shoulder'," he explains. Ryder chuckles, SAM really did try to understand her idioms and fun words.

"I'm just confused as to why everything is falling well into place but here I am crying and speaking to the only person I can confide in. Which sucks, because I can't even see you," she pouts. SAM turns the terminal on across her room.

"You can see me now," he says. Ryder gets up, sitting in her chair as she watches the blue dots fly freely across the screen, it was SAM's main processor. It reminded her of fireflies.

"Thanks, SAM. But I meant physically," she says. SAM falls silent for a moment.

"I feel you should speak to Mr Vidal," he suggests. Ryder gets up, pacing the room at that name.

"No," she snaps. "He just cares about sex. I love that, but sometimes just talking is enough. He's pissed off. I've ignored him for nearly a week and he will punish me the moment he sees me." Ryder wanted it, she craved it, but her emotions were too jumbled up to do it.

"My Vidal may not do so if you tell him truthfully." Ryder shakes her head, she didn't want this conversation with SAM. It was hard enough to deal with, she didn't need everyone telling her what to do.

She resides back in her bed, ignoring everyone who called and emailed her. She wanted a night alone, her feelings were too hurt to see anyone.


Reyes sat in Tartarus, he was frustrated and jumpy. He missed Ryder, missed her touch, kisses and attention. Though he wouldn't tell anyone, Keema could tell straight away something was off with him. She told Reyes multiple times that he needed to tell Ryder the truth, but he just brushed it off. Ryder would hate him if she knew the truth of who he really is.

His omni-tool called, it was a private call. He usually doesn't answer them, but wondering if it was Ryder, he accepts the call. "Hello?"

"Mr Vidal," SAM's voice fills the room. Reyes narrows his brows, he and SAM only spoke through emails. The AI never called him.

"Is Ryder alright?" he asks with worry.

"Yes, I do not mean to cause you alarm," he replies. Reyes sighs, leaning back into the chair as he sips his whiskey. "I wish to speak to you about Ryder's mental health."

"What's the matter with her? Where is she?" SAM pauses for a moment.

"She is currently on Elaaden, that is all I can disclose. I wish to show you this recording. I am not well adapted just yet to understanding human behaviour, but Sara's mental struggle is something I believe you might be able to help with," SAM explains. Reyes sits back and listens as SAM plays the conversation he'd had with Ryder just moments ago.

It hits Reyes at that point, he'd hurt Ryder and she was upset with him. He was so shit understanding the feelings of others, he just ignored it until they'd forgiven and forgotten. Ryder was different, she was the Pathfinder with the hardest job in Heleus and he never thought once to ask about her feelings.

"SAM, please tell me where she is. I need to see her," he says, getting up to head to his ship. He hoped the Tempest wasn't leaving Elaaden for a few days. It would take him over a day to get there.

"I am sorry, Mr Vidal. Ryder has forbidden me from telling you her exact location. Only the planet name I can give away," SAM explains. Reyes knew SAM wouldn't and couldn't break the rules set by his Pathfinder. He waits for the lift to come down so he can get to the docks.

"Fine, can you at least tell me how much longer Ryder is staying on Elaaden?" SAM was silent for a few moments, Reyes was getting too impatient.

"Two days at most," he finally answers.

"Alright, I'll find her myself. Don't tell her you spoke to me, thank you SAM," Reyes did really appreciate the AI's help. SAM cared for Ryder and Reyes understood he'd do anything to care for the person he was connecting so deeply with.

"You are welcome, Mr Vidal. Unless Ryder forces me to tell her about this conversation, I shall not share it with her," SAM says, ending the call. Reyes went through his contacts to find Keema's number.

"Hey, I need to head off-world for a few days, can you run stuff whilst I'm gone?" Keema sighs on the other end of the call.

"Is this about Ryder?" she asks. Reyes cranes his head, looking at her through the screen.

"Yes, can you cover me or not?" Keema smiles at him.

"You look cute when you're in love," she points out with a laugh. Reyes grunts at her, furrowing his brows. "Alright, alright. Yes, I'll cover for you. Remember Sloan is holding her party in three days, don't miss it. Invite the Pathfinder as well," she says.

"Maybe. Thanks, Keema," he says, ending the call. He hoped Ryder wouldn't hate him for just showing up at the ship, he decided heading to the main colony of exiles on Elaaden was the best place to look, he knew some contacts there that may be of help to him. 

A/N: So, if you've played the game you'll know who Reyes really is. If you haven't, then don't worry. You'll find out in the next few chapters. 

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