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Ryder woke up to an empty bed, Reyes was nowhere to be seen. She turns over, finding a datapad on the nightstand. It had a note on it.


Landed in Kadara an hour ago. Tried waking you but you looked too peaceful to move.

I'll meet you outside Outcast HQ at eight.

Reyes x

P.S- Sorry about your thigh.

Ryder narrowed her brows, putting the datapad down and pulling the covers back. She was still naked, but her eyes went wide when she saw her inner thigh.

It was bright blue and blue, with deep teeth marks left on it. She tries to touch it but hisses at the pain. "SAM?"

"Yes, Pathfinder?" She gets up, going to her drawers to find some clothes.

"Can you do something about this?" She asks as she applies medi-gel to it.

"I have been healing it throughout the night. It shall be gone by tonight. Mr Vidal is less than impressed with his neck," SAM points out. Ryder snorts, remembering she got Reyes back with the hickey she left on him. "Pathfinder, I believe you should see Lexi."

"Why?" she asks, putting her hoodie on.

"Your blockers ran out last night. I detect Mr Vidal's semen inside you." Ryder shivered, almost feeling sick as those words. Then the realization sets in, she pulls her jeans up and runs to Lexi.

"Lexi!" she shouts barging through the doors. Lexi drops her datapad in surprise.

"What? You okay?" she asks with worry as she looks Ryder over.

"Yeah, my blockers. They ran out!" Lexi shook her head, she first pulled Ryder down on the bed.

"I need to make sure you're not pregnant before giving you more." Ryder shook her head, laying back as the scanner went over her abdomen.

"SAM said they only ran out last night." Lexi smiled, looking at her omni-tool.

"The blockers aren't always one hundred percent Ryder. No contraception is, you're not pregnant." Ryder sighs, wiping the sweat from her forehead.

"Thank god for that." Lexi gave her more blockers.

"Be more careful Ryder. You and Reyes are not ready for children," she sternly says. Ryders rubs the needle entry point, feeling the blockers going through her bloodstream.

"I know, we got caught up in the moment," she whispers, going red. Lexi chuckles, waving her off. Ryder decides to get some work done to pass the day, she was looking forward to spending the night with Reyes. Though seeing Sloan again wasn't something she was excited for.


Ryder walks up to the main doors of Outcast HQ. One of Sloan's men was standing outside with a datapad, his glares at her with his two different coloured eyes. "Name?" he sternly asks.

Ryder leans on her hip, crossing her arm over her chest. "Sara Ryder, you know. Human Pathfinder?"

He looks down at his datapad, shaking his head before speaking, "there isn't Ryder on here."

"I'm meeting a friend," she says. He waves her off.

"No invitation, no entry," he simply says. At the same time Reyes shows up, he cranes his head to the side, waving his hand towards Ryder.

"She's with me... Reyes Vidal," he says, not waiting for the lad to check the list. He then looks at Ryder, narrowing his brows at her.

"In you go," he mutters. Reyes pulls Ryder's arm in his, leading her inside. Sloans room was packed, Umi was in the far corner tending the bar. Sloan was speaking in hushed tones with Keatus, not noticing them enter.

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