Sneaky Bastard.

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Reyes got to Elaaden seventeen hours after the vid call with SAM, he pushed the limits of his ship to get him there as quickly as possible. His men offered to take him, but he was more than capable of flying himself. He headed straight to the main building that held the exiles, he'd not been there for a few months but knew one Turian who'd gladly help him.

He made sure to carry his pistol and assault rifle. Elaaden was probably more dangerous than Kadara. He checked his armour before finally entering, the whole room fell silent as eyes dropped on him.

To Reyes' biggest surprise was the two human males that were behind the counter. The last time he checked, an Angara female, Annea ran this outpost. She was a cold-hearted bitch that charged people for water when this planet barely had any.

He walks up to the counter, leaning against the side of it. "Hello, can you please tell me who's in charge?" he asks with his best smile.

The ginger hair lad turned around, smiling at him. "That would be us, sir. The Initiative has taken over since Pathfinder Ryder found out the old owners' true intentions. She spared her life to let us take control of this place. Would you like some water?" He passes Reyes a bottle, though not thirsty, he accepts it.

"Thanks. Do you happen to know where the Pathfinder is?" The blonde older man stood up from his chair.

"No, she hasn't been through in a couple of days. Sorry, kiddo," he says. Reyes nods, walking away towards the far corner. He decides to take a sip of the water, he forgot how hot the planet is.

"Reyes Vidal?" A deep voice called from his side. Reyes stands up straight, surprised someone knew him.

He quickly relaxes when he realises who it was. The one person he was looking for, "Velonia," he greets the Turian. She smiles with her mandibles loose against her cheeks. "You're just the person I was looking for," he smiles.

"I'm glad to see you still alive. What can I do for you?" Velonia was much taller than him, but for a Turian she was actually pretty shy. She was young for the smuggling job she does but was confident when someone got to know her and very ambitious. Reyes uses her to lift most of his cargo from Elaaden to Kadara and back again.

"Pathfinder Ryder, you seen her about? Or know where her ship is?" Velonia leans against the wall, looking him over.

"What she to you?" Reyes smirks. He was about to give all his secrets away.

"No one, a business partner if you must know. Something important has come up and I need her assistance ASAP," he lies. Velonia's brow plates lift, but she nods and points to the window behind her.

"Head towards the Krogan colonies, her ship is parked next door. They have started the building for the outpost," she explains. Reyes nods, sending some credits her way for the help.

"Much appreciated," he says as he leaves in a haste. He took his ship but decided to land a few clicks away and walk the rest. The Tempest would detect him coming and he needed to sneak on without being seen. Luckily he had one more trick up his sleeve to help him accomplish that.

"Mr Vidal?" SAM answers as Reyes calls him. "What can I do for you?"

"I know you said you couldn't tell me where she was. But I'm smart enough to figure it out myself. I need your help getting me onto the ship," Reyes explains.

SAM is silent, Reyes guessed he was making sure he was really on the planet and not tricking SAM into telling him where Ryder was. "I see you are here, Mr Vidal. I shall aid you, but I cannot hide these intentions from the Pathfinder if she asks. If she needs my full attention, I will have to leave you," he explains.

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