Remnant Station.

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The Tempest arrived in the Civki system just hours after leaving Meridian. Sara had contacted the Initiative base that was currently studying the station. Reyes had asked Evfra if he wished for the Resistance to be a part of this, but the Angara weren't all interested in something that had little to do with them.

"Alright," Sara begins as she stands in the cargo bay with Reyes and Scott. "We will drop down and head for the main control base. We have a team meeting us there and well... SAM will do the rest," she says with a smile.

"I hope this works," Scott nervously says. Reyes pats his shoulder reassuringly.

"It will, Scott," he says. Sara turns to head down the ramp as the ship lands on the docking bays. The Remnant station had changed much, SAM had been able to take full control of the resident Remnant as they were now docile enough for people to work around. They even helped around the station, fixing issues and translating information.

"Pathfinder, Specialist Ryder, welcome," an Asari scientist welcomes. "My name is Ashlin Terria, I'm the head scientist for this research station."

Sara then Scott shook her hand. Ashlin looked Reyes up and down, he smiled and offered his hand. "Ashlin, this is my partner Reyes Vidal. Also representative of Kadara." Ashlin gives a curt nod and shakes his hand.

"Welcome, Mr Vidal," she says professionally. Sara turns to look at the station, the same large wards of tunnels, bridges and flowing ferrofluid. The vaults Sara had seen before all had this same fluid, it was still being researched today. Little was known about it, but SAM pointed out it resembled an omni-gel.

"How's it been going here?" Sara asks as they all walk down the long dark halls of the station. Ashlin motions her hand towards the forward station hub they had built for their researchers and scientists.

"It's been... educational. The Remnant is kind enough to help when a structure breaks or their language cannot be translated." Sara looked around the labs, there were terminals in every corner of the walls and people rushing around, shouting information between each other.

"Have you had any problems with Kett?" Reyes asks. Sara knew most of the Kett that followed the Archon had scattered, but some pockets were still lurking around. Though most didn't go far without being killed on the spot.

"We had a run-in a few weeks ago. This time was different, it was almost as if a new Archon was here." Sara and Scott look at each other in worry.

"Explain," Reyes snaps. Ashlin nods, moving them towards a quieter corner of the room. Sara leans against the console as Scott sits down.

"The Kett attack here every couple of weeks, it is usually only four or five of them. They still followed the Archon before you killed him," she says looking at Sara. "The last attack was different, there was one Kett. Tall, leading the group, they wore... red."

"Shit," Sara hisses. She looks at Reyes before pulling her omni-tool up. "SAM, can you shine some light on this?"

"Yes, Pathfinder. If you recall the mission on Voeld regarding another group of Kett moving against the Archon?" Sara nods, she forgot about that. Another Kett group wasn't agreeing with the Archon's ways. "I believe the one Miss Terria is describing is what remains from those who did not fight for Meridian."

"What are you talking about?" Reyes asks.

Sara looks at him rather than Scott, shaking her head in annoyance. "The Kett never came to this cluster to find Meridian. They were meant to exalt the Angara and leave, building their army as they went. The Archon became obsessed with Meridian and the Remnant. It was his second, Primus. He wasn't agreeing with the Archon's choices and warned the higher-ups weren't happy with him." Reyes opens his omni-tool. He is called Keema.

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