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A/N: Hi everyone, sorry for being away for so long. I haven't exactly been in the writing mood and life has just been so hectic in the last year. I'm back and want to get all these stories done and maybe start something new once they are finished. I'm going to start rounding up the Kadara story as it deserves a happy ending.

The docking bay doors slowly hiss open as the barreling heat of Kadara hits Sara in the face. Reyes stood at the bottom, waiting for her. His smile was a welcoming sight. Ryder slowly descended the ramps, her small smile made Reyes lose his own.

"Princesa, what is the matter?" he quietly asks as she closes the gap. His arms were already extended out, ready to take her in.

"It's all gone to shit Reyes," she cries. He hushes her, moving her to his side so they could return home.


Sara knew the house wouldn't have changed in the slightest since she had been gone, but it felt like she hadn't been on Kadara for months. He sits her down, letting her clear away the tears as he brings her a cup of water to calm and cool herself down.

"What exactly happened on the Nexus?" he asks, sitting down next to her. She wipes the last of her tears away, feeling stressed and exhausted from the last days of travelling and countless conversations.

"We dropped Tann and Spender off at Eladaan on our way here. Morda is happy with everything." He nods, not fully understanding why she is so upset. "Kesh pulled me into the office to meet with her, Addison and Kandros. They asked me something that is still shocking me as of now."

Reyes puts a calming hand on her knee, "tell me," he says.

"They asked me to be the next Initiative leader," she says in one breath. She waits for his reaction, and he slowly blinks, obviously processing what she'd just said. She halved expected him to get angry at them, even for suggesting it, but he just smirks at her.

"You'd be a good fit for it." He stood up, slapping his hands against his legs. Ryder knew he was upset with it, he'd never be so forthcoming about the idea of her just leaving Kadara forever.

She scrunched her nose up at him, shaking her head as she spoke. "You are obviously not pleased about it. I know you'd hate the idea of me leaving, that's why Kesh suggested an idea that would suit us both."

Reyes kept his back turned away from her, "what might that be?" he says with a huff.

"You join me on the Nexus. We will offer all the support you need to keep Kadara afloat." Reyes turns to her, his face red in anger.

"You expect me to leave everything I've built behind to play lap dog to the Initiative leaders?" he shouts in anger. Ryder stands up.

"When did those words even come out of my mouth? I merely suggested the idea Kesh gave me. It's not a bad idea, don't you want us to be together?" Reyes drops his head, shrugging his shoulders.

"Of course, I do, Sara." He sits back down, crossing his arms over his chest as he leans back. "But remember what happened when I left for just a few days... how do we prevent that from happening again?"

She sits down next to him, placing a hand on his knee. "That was on the Tempest and all you had was SAM to help you. This time, you'll have him, the staff and your own station to work from. Let Keema run things upfront and you give the orders from the safety of the Nexus."

"And what do we tell people when they ask how some smuggler from the barren planet is heading some of the top deals for the Nexus?" Sara moved her hand, scratching her chin instead. He'd stumped her.

"What if..." she thinks as the idea comes up. "What if we say the Initiative is offering a role to help lead getting the exiles back into the Initiative and you were voting with having good connections and knowledge of our main colony?"

Reyes smiled, it would work if they pulled it off properly. "Alright, Sara. Let me just think about it first. I want to make sure this is the right decision for us both."

"That's all I ask," she smiles. He leans forward, placing a hand on her cheek. "I love you," she whispers.

"I love you, too," he says before placing his lip over hers. 

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