Ellen Ryder and Reapers.

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Ryder called the crew to stand around the meeting table, the news spread about them going back to the Remnant station. The Nexus and Resistance had a small settlement on the station, researching what they could from it. So far, progress was slow, there was so much data. It'd take years to work through.

She looks over to Reyes as she hears the crew whispering between themselves. "Alright," she calls, waving her hands to hush them all.

"Ryder, you can't be serious about this? This wouldn't be able to work right?" Cora asks, unsure of the newest mission they've been given.

"It will work, SAM believes it can. Kesh contacted me, it seems some of the data modules found were actually related to the Milky Way," Ryder explains. The whole room fell silent, everyone shocked.

"How is that possible?" Scott asks. He leans into the table, looking down with furrowed brows.

"I don't know. I think they were studying us from across dark space. The Jardaans technology is better than anything we ever had before leaving." She looks over at Scott. "We are going to Meridian first, I want to see mom," she whispers.

He smiles and nods. Jaal clears his throat, "what will happen if you can contact your home?"

"We will send them a message, tell them we made it and..." Ryder pauses. She didn't know if she should tell the crew about what they found out about the Reapers.

"What is it, Sara?" Liam asks, seeing her hesitate. She clears her throat, looking at Reyes again. He curtly nods, thinking they had the right to know.

"Okay, this does not leave this ship. I mean it," she sternly starts. "My dad encrypted memories in SAM that I've unlocked. The last one I saw just an hour ago was something about the Milky Way... there might be nothing left from what we remember." Cora physically gasps. Peebee and Vetra both go stiff from their relaxed postures.

"How... What?" Liam whispers.

"They're called Reapers. Who here knows about Commander Shepard? N7 like dad, first human Spectre?" Peebee smiles.

"Who doesn't know her," she answers. Everyone around the table except Jaal nods. Shepard was known by them all.

"She was investigating these Reapers. Sentient machines that were known to attack the Milky-Way every fifty thousand years. They destroyed the Protheans. I... Dad heard about their return and him and Jian were worried the arks wouldn't make it out before they returned. That's why the leaving date was pulled right back. We got out a year before they arrived." Cora crosses her arms over her chest.

"Do you know if it's true?" Ryder nods, bringing her omni-tool up.

She first plays Liara's message about the Normandy, Shepard and weapon. Then the next log was a flash warning from the Alliance. "This is a galaxy-wide alert to all human territories. Fleet Admiral Steven Hackett has declared threat Condition Saber One. The Reapers have attacked Earth..." The static makes some of the crew hold their hands to their ears as the words scramble to pick up again. "I repeat... Earth under heavy Reaper attack. More instructions will follow on... May God save us all."

"What the hell?" Liam shouts as he begins to pace the room. "We left everyone behind to fucking fight alone. What if the Reapers won? What if they killed everyone?!" he shouts as he pushes a planet pot off the side table, smashing it to the floor.

"We don't know that yet," Reyes says just as loud. "Shepard's weapon might have worked," he calmly adds.

"We will follow this up once we're at the station. You are all dismissed," Sara says. Just as everyone begins to walk away, she clears her throat loud enough for them all to acknowledge her. "Remember, it stays between us." They all nodded and left. She leans into the table, Reyes puts a warm hand around her waist.

"You okay, dove?" he whispers into her hair. Ryder sighs.

"I don't know, it's so much information to take in. What if it doesn't work, what if SAM can't contact them?"

"Do not give up hope, Ryder. Your father spent years designing me, I am sure I can do it," SAM reassuringly calls over the comms. She smiles, she really adores SAM.

"What SAM said," Reyes smiles into her shoulder. "We will get this worked out, even if it doesn't work. Our technology will one day help us."

"Thank you," she whispers. Turning her body to wrap her arms around his neck, Reyes holds her hips, massaging gently as he dips down to kiss her. "I love you, Reyes."

"I love you too, little dove," he mutters before going back in for her lips.


"It's really her Scott, it's mum," Sara whimpers as they both stand in front of Ellen's status pod. The pod was mostly glazed over with the smoke of keeping her body at the right temperature needed for cryo, but the outlines of her face and light brown hair could be seen.

"She looks so peaceful," Scott says as a tear falls down his cheek. Sara leans her head on his shoulder. "I wish we could wake her."

"Unfortunately, Scott. We cannot," SAM spoke. "Her disease was moments away from killing her before Alec put her in cryo. My Vidal has a team working closely with the Angara to find a cure." Sara smiles.

"Do you think they'll find a cure?" she asks SAM. There was a brief pause from the AI.

"I cannot answer that, Sara. I need more time to analyze the information and process it. But... I am confident," he carefully says.

"You know just what to say, SAM," Scott laughs. He huffs a deep breath, looking down at Sara. "She'll be fine, she's a Ryder after all."

"True." They both look at her pod. Sara kisses the front of it, "sleep well, mum. You'll be with us again."

Scott smiles, he'd prayed to anyone listening that his sister's words were true.

A/N: Sorry for taking so long, work has been hectic and I've had to type this chapter up in like an hour just to give you all something to keep going. The next stop is the Remnant station. 

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